Subject: When an avatar visits your house… Sacred Feminine Awakening

Hello Friend,

A couple of weekends ago, my husband asked a beautiful East Indian guru, Mohnaji, who was traveling through the area, if we could interview him for a global healing project we are working on.

He immediately said, “Yes,” and his wife suggested we do it at our house.

So Jeffrey called and told me we would be receiving Mohanji at our home.

The first thing that went through my mind was, “We’ve got to clean the house!”

Fortunately, we had a couple of days, so we asked our dear friends to help us out, and we got ready for the interview.

We re-arranged furniture, set up lights, prepared food, pulled together interview questions, and of course, cleaned the house. ☺

On they day they were going to arrive, Mohanji sent a message to me in my morning meditation that he was coming as a friend.

I breathed a sigh of relief because I don’t know the customs for receiving an avatar in Hindu tradition. But I do know how to be a friend and hostess.

He came with his wife, daughter and the couple who were hosting him here in the states. We immediately fell in love with all of them.

Mohanji sat down on the couch with his cup of tea, and I sat down next to him. We began to chat, and suddenly the lights came on and the camera was rolling. So much for the formal interview. It seemed to have a life of its own. ;)

A week later, at his invitation, we met again for a visit. We fondly refer to it as a guru’s version of a hang. He seemed to enjoy answering questions from Jeffrey about things most people don’t ask—like his childhood, his parents, and such.

Mohanji reflected on our previous interview, saying he felt spaciousness as soon as I sat down next to him.

I nodded and smiled. Then I told him I had no expectation of him. My only desire was for who he was and his message to be fully experienced. 

Now he smiled. He had felt my lack of expectation and that had allowed him to feel very comfortable.

This is what my Native Grandmothers taught me about the nature of Sacred Feminine energy. It’s silence holds life in all-accepting love without expectation. This is a powerful space for both healing and manifesting.

When you feel full and complete in Sacred Feminine energy, you are love. You are spaciousness.

You do not need someone else to fulfill you in any way. You are free to be truly present to another and what is transpiring. Your silence is a rich, loving space through which pure love and light enjoys expressing itself.

And he did indeed fill our home with love and light, that still lingers! 

You can learn more about our delightful guest at

Holding you in my heart and songs,

Prayer of the Week

Enjoy this prayer for experiencing Sacred Mother Holding you!

Prescriptions from Heaven
Enjoy daily reminders about creating heaven on earth! Entirely free.

New Dream Foundation-Sacred Feminine Awakening is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit
Misa Hopkins / New Dream Foundation, 18124 Wedge Pkwy #191, Reno, NV 89511, United States
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