Subject: Video: Enlightenment in Relationship to the Sacred Feminine...Sacred Feminine Awakening

Hello Friend,

I've just returned from facilitating a personal Song Quest. The energy was deep and moving, and I'm still in its after glow. :)

Quests (even when I am facilitating them) have a way of keeping me vigilant to my true purpose.

For me this is about recognizing the healing power of the Sacred Feminine for each us individually, for humanity, and the planet.

In that spirit, I'm delighted to share with you a video interview where Reba Linker asks me about Enlightenment in relationship to the energy of the Sacred Feminine.

As the Sacred Feminine awakens in us at this time in history, understanding enlightenment from Divine Feminine perspective will be a continuing discovery for all of us.

I'm delighted to share with you my own experiences and insights about this significant question.

Reba is doing a series of interviews about the Divine Feminine, so be sure to check out some of her other great videos!

Holding you in my heart and songs,
Prayer of the Week
In keeping with our theme this month of embracing your purpose, enjoy Janet Aker’s choice for the Prayer of the Week, entitled, Lead Me to My Purpose.

(Janet's the one who recommends the prayers and finds all their beautiful photos!)

Allowing yourself to be carried into fulfillment is the Sacred Feminine version of "making things happen." 

This meditation helps you find an easy energy for becoming your true expression in the energy:

Friend, it’s the perfect prayer to share with friends looking for greater ease in fulfilling their sacred contract.

Last Chance for Sound Healing CD
 of the Month 

If you've ever had a hot-flash on a hot night, or a cold night for that matter, you know how wonderful it is to find some relief.

Misa' Menopause Support healing sounds were created to help women through their significant hormonal challenge to ease the process—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Today, Sunday, is the last day for the discount:

Private Retreats and Quests
Last chance to schedule a private retreat with Misa at her lakeside home for this summer.

Or request a time to talk with Misa about making your preparations for a personal Vision or Song Quest next spring or summer. 

Misa requires a minimum of 9 monthly private sessions prior to your quest, so it's the perfect time to begin:

Private Counseling with Misa
For over 30 years, Misa has been helping people turn their deepest desires into reality through quests, retreats, and private counseling.

Discover how private counseling can help you create the quality of life you've been longing for.

Misa's available sessions just filled up.

However, if you apply today, she'll extend her special gifts offer of bonus sessions and an audio course when you register for sessions beginning in September:

Upcoming Full Moon Healing Water Ceremonies for Awakening Women
with Reverend Misa Hopkins,
Guardian of Path of the Sacred Feminine

Mark your calendar!
August 18th, Thursday, 5:45 pm PDT 8:45 pm EDT
Sept. 15th, Thursday, 5:45 pm PDT 8:45 pm EDT
Oct. 16th, Sunday, 9:30 am PDT; 12:30 pm EDT; 4:00 pm UTC

New Dream Foundation-Sacred Feminine Awakening is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit
Misa Hopkins / New Dream Foundation, 18124 Wedge Pkwy #191, Reno, NV 89511, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.