Subject: Super Moon coming up and Apprenticeship sign-ups ending...Sacred Feminine Awakening

Hello Friend,
November's Full Moon is special and rare!
Full Moon this month should be spectacular.

Called a Super Moon, it will appear 30% brighter and 14% bigger than usual. This won't happen again until 2034.

The Full Moon takes place on the 14th and we'll be connecting to its powerful energy in the Women's Healing Water Ceremony on Sunday, the 13th.

Gentlemen, we appreciate your support. You can do that by forwarding the to a woman you love. If you want to join us in spirit, get a bowl of water, bless it with your love, feel the water respond to your blessing as the energy expands. Then share it with the Mother Earth!

Holding you in my heart and songs,
Teleceremony for Awakening Women
Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony with Reverend Misa Hopkins, Guardian of a 1,000+ year old Path of the Sacred Feminine

During this Super Moon, we focus our attention on: "Expanding Into Our True Natures as Women"

Sunday, November 13

9:30 am PDT; 12:30 pm EDT; 5:30 pm UTC

Conference dial-in number: 641-715-3631
Participant access code: 730645#

Time Zone Converter

See upcoming full moon ceremony dates at the end of this e-mail.

While ceremony is freely given, please be respectful of Native tradition—we as attendees also freely give.

Your Ceremonial Gratitude Gifts Go to Scholarships
All donations from the ceremonies go to people that need assistance in order to participate in New Dream's Sacred Feminine Events. (We've helped dozens of people attend events and train to become Keepers because of your generosity.)

Monday Is the Last Day to Apply for Keeper Apprenticeship Training
Help women deepen their experience of the Sacred Feminine through ceremony.

Reverend Misa is looking for 5-10 women who would like to:

• Discover how to hold space for your fulfillment and that of others
• Identify and fulfill unspoken needs
• Enter into Mystical realms with Spirit through evocative, inspiring ceremonies
• Catapult your spiritual growth through the sacred art of ritual
• Manifest with greater ease through focused spiritual practice
• Deepen your relationship to your true Sacred Feminine nature

Find out how Keeper Apprenticeship can enrich your life in the Sacred Feminine, and as a ceremonialist:

Reverend Misa is the guardian of a 1,000+ year old path in the Sacred Feminine and has been training ceremonialists for over 15 years.

Discover how to know if you are being called to experience this very special apprenticeship with Misa, and if you are, apply immediately.

All applications must be in by Monday, November 7.

Prayer of the Week
Janet Aker’s choice for the Prayer of the Week is a Holding meditation by Reverend Misa, entitled Holding Your Potential

This guided meditation shows you how to use the Holding Meditation to focus on your deepest desire as it emerges from the Divine within.

Friend, this is great to share with friend who is struggling to manifest and needs to know how to be with their potential as well as their doubts.

Upcoming Full Moon Healing Water Ceremonies for Awakening Women
with Reverend Misa Hopkins,
Guardian of Path of the Sacred Feminine

Mark your calendar!
Nov. 13th, Sunday, 
9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 4:00 pm UTC
Dec. 14th, Wednesday, 5:45 pm PST; 8:45 EST;     1:45 am UTC on the 15th
Jan. 12th, Thursday, 
5:45 pm PST; 8:45 EST; 1:45 am UTC on the 13th

New Dream Foundation-Sacred Feminine Awakening is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit
Misa Hopkins / New Dream Foundation, 18124 Wedge Pkwy #191, Reno, NV 89511, United States
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