Subject: Reflections on hate, racism and love… Sacred Feminine Awakening

Hello Friend,
Charlottesville is our home town. It's not easy to watch people armed and chanting hateful messages come into your generally quiet and respectful town.

The range of feelings we and our friends have been experiencing is palpable—from angry and indignant to shocked or downright afraid.

This is the second time people with hate in their hearts have come here in the last few months. Hate and divisiveness only create more hate and divisiveness.

I experienced a taste of the pain racism inflicts when, as I was studying with Native elders and brothers and sisters, white people treated us disrespectfully. That small taste made me livid with anger. I wanted to hurt someone.

Since I wouldn't let myself act on that hate, I went within, and found compassion—first for myself, and then for those who violated my innocent heart. 

I discovered that my hate could not heal their hate.

Violence against others does not quiet the anger inside. Nor does self abuse—hating myself for hating. 

Only compassion heals the broken places within that lead us to violence and abuse.

It was compassion that healed me then and compassion I turn to now—compassion for Heather, the police officers, their families, the people who were injured, the people of Charlottesville, the people standing for equality and peace, and yes, even the protestors with their guns, flags and hateful words.

I hold all of us because from my own experience of rage, I understand that it comes from the broken places inside us.

Every year, in three days of ceremony, the Elders and I have held some of the most troubled people in the world. They often show up to me as children who have been badly damaged.

We Hold only those who wish to be Held, because forcing someone to be Held feels abusive to them.

As we Hold, we watch their hearts soften as they reclaim some part of their soul.

Only compassion allows us to find the lost pieces of our souls and return to awareness of Divine love.

I believe in equality and respect for all. And I believe in standing for and creating a peaceful world.

The hardest commitment I have ever attempted to live into is to live the compassionate life I believe allows us to experience peace.
Because it is the world I want to live in, I will to continue to discover the depths of my compassion.

To all of you who joined me on the tele-call for Healing and Peace or the live ceremony at Bridge Between the Worlds, or joined us in Spirit—thank you from the depths of my heart.

Each time we gather in love and Hold others in unconditional love, we all have an opportunity to claim the lost and broken parts of our souls.

Holding you in love and gratitude,
Mother Misa

Thank You Gifts
Misa would like to say thank you for your love and support of all of us in Charlottesville with some truly lovely gifts from her colleagues:

Private Holding with Misa
If you feel the need for a little extra help, Mother Misa is available for Private Holding Sessions.

In a private session, Misa dedicates time to Holding only you.

The broken parts of you unravel and release, and you awaken to your true, limitless and loving potential.

Upcoming Full Moon Healing Water Ceremonies for Awakening Women
with Mother Misa, Guardian of Path of the Sacred Feminine

Mark your calendar!

Sept. 6th, Wednesday, 5:45 pm PDT; 8:45 EDT; 12:45 am UTC on the 7th
Oct. 5th, Thursday; 5:45 pm PDT; 8:45 EDT; 12:45 am UTC on the 6th
Nov. 5th, 9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm PST; 4:30 pm UTC

New Dream Foundation-Sacred Feminine Awakening is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit
Misa Hopkins / New Dream Foundation, 18124 Wedge Pkwy #191, Reno, NV 89511, United States
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