Subject: ReDreaming Life on Earth - Sacred Feminine Awakening

Hello Friend,

You can feel it in your bones, can’t you?

The call to dream a new dream for how we live on this beautiful planet we call home. 
But before we dream something new, acceptance calls—accepting our Mother Earth in all her splendor and in all the damage we have done to her.

For as we Hold her in our love, she heals. It is truly no more complicated than that.

If you are deeply empathic, you may be feeling the damage within your own body. It is difficult not to. But it is not up to you or I to take on the damage inside of ourselves. As you know, that does not help you or the Mother.

This is why the Grandmothers came to me to remind me about the practice of Holding.

In the ancient Sacred Feminine way of Holding, we simply love in compassion everything that has happened and is happening, without judgment.

We hold the damaged parts of Mother Earth with the gentle caress of our hearts and we hold her beauty and wonder in awe.

As she is loved by us, Earth, as a sentient being, awakens to her own potential and makes the course corrections that restore her to balance.

As you notice and feel what you love about the Earth, her energy rises in response to your love, as she sees herself through the eyes of your pleasure.

Out of this all-accepting love, the deep desire to live harmoniously on Mother Earth rises in your heart and you can more easily feel, see, sense, hear and Hold the vision of humanity living respectfully with our Mother Earth.

This is how we will be together on Saturday the 23rd for our special Earth Day Full Moon Ceremony. For those women who attend, we'll re-dream life on earth.

See below for details about attending.

Dearest gentlemen, if you hold us in your love as we women hold the Mother in ceremony (woman to woman ;), your love gives great strength to our sacred work! Set a bowl of water on your altar, and you will be joining us in Spirit.

Holding you all in my heart and songs,

Prayer of the Week for Earth Day
Enjoy this prayer for deeper connection to our beloved Mother Earth.

It's a sweet way to begin your Earth Day.

Mystic Dreaming - ReDreaming Your Life
Stand in the center of your medicine wheel, summon your spiritual power, and create in harmony with the forces of creation.

Discover how medicine circle journey work can unlock the wisdom and power of the Mystic Dreamer within you. Open to the spiritual experiences and the wisdom of your ancestors to create the life of your choosing.

It’s our April special, available at a deep discount through Wednesday, April 20. Watch a video about it and listen to a sample of the course here:

Next Tele-Ceremony for Awakening Women
Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony with Reverend Misa, Guardian of the Path of the Sacred Feminine

We focus our attention on: "Loving Our Mother Earth".

Sunday, April 23

9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 5:30 pm UTC

Conference dial-in number: 641-715-3631
Participant access code: 730645#

Time Zone Converter

Upcoming Full Moon Ceremonies
Mark your calendars!

May 22—9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 5:30 pm UTC
June 19—9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 5:30 pm UTC

While ceremony is freely given, please be respectful of Native tradition—we as attendees also freely give. 

Your Ceremonial Gratitude Gifts Go to Scholarships

All donations from the ceremonies go to people that need assistance in order to participate in New Dream's Sacred Feminine Events. (We've helped dozens of people attend events and train to become Keepers because of your generosity.)

New Dream Foundation-Sacred Feminine Awakening is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit
Misa Hopkins / New Dream Foundation, 18124 Wedge Pkwy #191, Reno, NV 89511, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.