Subject: Poverty & Prosperity - Sacred Feminine Awakening

Hello Friend,

If life has been financially challenging, did you know you can use The Holding meditation to help you shift poverty to prosperity?

In a Sacred Feminine approach to poverty, we do not judge it as a bad situation or something that is less than what we deserve.

We acknowledge that it simply exists.

If we accept it with love, and do not try to make it go away. That puts emphasis on the uncomfortable energy and manifests as resistance.  Rather, we acknowledge what exists with love and the natural outcome is a flow of prosperous energy.

We can choose to receive the gifts of "less than we want." In doing so, we acknowledge and accept the gifts of Divine energy as we are experiencing them now. That accepting space naturally opens us up to greater ease and flow, where we experience prosperity.

So you might ask yourself, what gift might you receive in a less than prosperous state?

I once lived out of the back of my truck, but interestingly, I never thought of myself as homeless. Rather, I thought of it as an adventure in which I was discovering the myriad of ways the Divine works through me and others.

And of course, that is exactly what I experienced.
  • I didn't have money for health care, so I developed my healing sounds.
  • I didn't have money for my own home, so I stayed with beautiful friends and got to experience the world through their eyes.
  • In the summer, I camped and got closer to Mother Earth.
  • When my truck was being repaired, I didn't have a replacement car, so a friend loaned me his Cadillac.
  • When I decided I wanted to go to Egypt, my mentor put me in touch with former clients that owed me money. Each one paid in full, and I had money to go.
And on, and on it went. "Poverty" taught me to rely on the Divine within others in new and wonderful ways. In many ways, I was very prosperous!

In prosperity, I get to learn what it means to have a generous heart. I learn when it is appropriate to give and when giving to another actually limits them in their own discoveries.

Prosperity requires Divine responsibility in its own way. Both poverty and prosperity offer gifts, if you are ready to receive them.

Now, let's look at how to Hold for prosperity:
When you Hold begin by opening your heart and womb to love (whatever form of love you can access right now - gratitude, compassion, tenderness...whatever loving feeling you can access).

Hold in love how you are feeling about your finances right now.

Hold the parts of you that are at peace, happy, sad, frustrated—all of them. They are all reflections of Divine expression desiring to manifest something new for you.

When the frustration, disappointments, and fears have finally rested, notice that you naturally feel a greater ease. This energy opens you to the feeling of prosperity.

Hold the FEELING of what prosperity is to you in love.

If resistances return, Hold the resistance until it softens and return to the FEELING of prosperity.

Holding you in my heart and songs,
New Website for Discoveries in the Sacred Feminine
Thank you Ixchel, Janet and Jeffrey for creating such an inviting and inspiring place for us to explore the Sacred Feminine within.

Come with me in the journey, as I share with you, in this short article, how I discovered The Holding.

After you have read the article, we hope you will take a few minutes to enjoy our new website!

Prayer of the Week
Enjoy this guided meditation for prosperity!

Vision About Mary Magdalene's Writings On Healing
Reverend Misa's new book all started with a vision in the middle of the night. Mary Magdalene had written down her insights about healing 2,000 years ago, and wanted you to have them now.

"Wisdom from Mary Magdalene on Healing the Self" is now a best-selling book!

Next Tele-Ceremony for Awakening Women
Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony with Reverend Misa, Guardian of the Path of the Sacred Feminine

We focus our attention on: "How beautiful I am!"

Date Correction!

Tuesday, March 22
5:45 pm PST; 8:45 pm EST

Conference dial-in number: 641-715-3631
Participant access code: 730645#

Time Zone Converter

Upcoming Full Moon Ceremonies
Mark your calendars!

April 23—9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 5:30 pm UTC
May 22—9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 5:30 pm UTC
June 19—9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 5:30 pm UTC
While ceremony is freely given, please be respectful of Native tradition—we as attendees also freely give. 

Your Ceremonial Gratitude Gifts Go to Scholarships

All donations from the ceremonies go to people that need assistance in order to participate in New Dream's Sacred Feminine Events. (We've helped dozens of people attend events and train to become Keepers because of your generosity.)

New Dream Foundation is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit
Misa Hopkins / New Dream Foundation, 18124 Wedge Pkwy #191, Reno, NV 89511, United States
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