Subject: How to turn the mundane into something special…Sacred Feminine Awakening

Hello Friend,

When I was 10 years old, I used to gather the neighborhood kids into the basement with me, where I put on my vestments and said mass.

It certainly was not sanctioned by the church, ;) yet it seemed the priestess in me was already showing her colors.

How I managed to persuade the neighbor kids to participate, I have no idea, but they came, and my little heart soared as I offered one of the most important rituals I knew—mass.
Ritual is a way in which we bring the seemingly formless into form.

We take concepts like love, truth, inspiration, and the Divine itself, and experience them more personally through ritual.

Even the mundane can become special as we bring ritual to the ordinary.

Take a simple meal. Having breakfast every morning becomes more than a mere necessary function when we weave ritual into the act of eating.

Prepare your food with love, set a table, add some special touch, and say a prayer of gratitude before you eat, and you have created a special occasion through ritual.

Take a mundane task, and bring ritual to it. As you do you will transform the mundane into the sacred.
In addition to bringing form to the formless and the mundane into a special experience, ritual helps us create change in our lives.

If you want to quickly change an old habit that no longer serves you, create a new habit that serves you better by creating a ritual for the new belief, pattern or behavior you are introducing.

Ritual brings attention and focus to your acts of creation, allowing them to manifest more fluidly because of your clear intention, and reinforcement of that intention as you honor it regularly.

Ritual is fundamental to true and lasting change.

Ritual doesn’t have to be rigid. Rather, I it can become an outline for creative expression and deepened self-awareness.

Like writing in your journal, you might have a basic approach to your journaling, but over time, the entries reflect your unique experiences and insights as you deepen your sacred awareness.

Ritual can be personal or expand into ceremonies that provide points of reflection for others as well.

Creative rituals become reflections of you rippling out into the world as you grow and change.

In women’s ceremonies, we tend to enjoy utilizing our creativity to create deep and meaningful experiences for ourselves, and sometimes for others.

Feminine based rituals, provide a basic structure, while allowing plenty of room for inspiration, creativity and intuition.

When we focus on deepening our relationships with the Divine, rituals can provide us a format for diving into our personal and collective wells of wisdom and love.

Tomorrow is our last day for women to apply for apprenticeship as a Keeper within an ancient Native tradition in the Sacred Feminine.

Though we focus on eventually holding ceremony for others, some women ask to apprentice to deepen their own relationship to ritual, with the option to create new ceremonies for men and women.

If you are curious about how apprenticeship could serve you, apply below now so we can get you scheduled for a consultation this week.

I look forward to deepening Sacred Feminine consciousness with you.
Holding you in my heart and songs,
PS. If you have already applied and have not heard from me yet, I'll be contacting you this week. ;)
Keeper Apprenticeship Training
Help women deepen their experience of the Sacred Feminine through ceremony.

Reverend Misa is looking for 5-10 women who would like to:

• Discover how to hold space for your fulfillment and that of others
• Identify and fulfill unspoken needs
• Enter into Mystical realms with Spirit through evocative, inspiring ceremonies
• Catapult your spiritual growth through the sacred art of ritual
• Manifest with greater ease through focused spiritual practice
• Deepen your relationship to your true Sacred Feminine nature

Find out how Keeper apprenticeship can enrich your life in the Sacred Feminine, and as a ceremonialist:

Reverend Misa is the guardian of a 1,000+ year old path in the Sacred Feminine and has been training ceremonialists for over 15 years.

Discover how to know if you are being called to experience this very special apprenticeship with Misa.

(There are a limited number of scholarships available, and you can apply for assistance between now and November 7.)

Prayer of the Week
Janet Aker’s choice for the Prayer of the Week is a Holding meditation by Reverend Misa, entitled, 
Gratitude for Friends.

This prayer takes you into the reflections that relationships provide.

When we sit in circle together, we sit with old friends and friends to be.

Part of what makes ritual, ceremony, and circles so special is seeing yourself reflected in the eyes of others.

Friend, this is great to share with a friend you love—someone you want to know is a special person in your life!

Upcoming Full Moon Healing Water Ceremonies for Awakening Women
with Reverend Misa Hopkins,
Guardian of Path of the Sacred Feminine

Mark your calendar!
Nov. 13th, Sunday, 
9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 4:00 pm UTC
Dec. 14th, Wednesday, 5:45 pm PST; 8:45 EST;     1:45 am UTC on the 15th

New Dream Foundation-Sacred Feminine Awakening is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit
Misa Hopkins / New Dream Foundation, 18124 Wedge Pkwy #191, Reno, NV 89511, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.