Subject: How personal ceremonies help you manifest?...Sacred Feminine Awakening

Hello Friend,
My friend Mary, and her husband, decided to do a private ceremony at home to set their intention and catalyze the energy for the next part of their life.

They knew it was time for him to have a new job and it was time for a major move. But they didn’t know what job or where they were feeling called to relocated.

So they did a ceremony in which they released their attachments to their current experience and opened to the qualities they were intending for their future.

Just a few months later, her husband had a new job offer in a new state. I visited them some months ago, and was delighted to see how happy they are in their new environment.

Ceremony energizes your intentions for the quality of life you want to create, and catalyzes the release of attachments that bind you.

You focus and direct your energy on what is truly important. And ceremony has an amazing way of helping you bring to the surface deeper truths that may have been unseen and unrecognized.

Ceremonies don’t have to be complicated or fancy to work. But they do have to be based in absolute truth and commitment.
You prepare by pulling to surface what is really going on for you so that you can release limiting beliefs and open fully to Spirit’s calling within you.

A personal ceremony is a focused act of creation and power, and a wonderful catalyst for creating a life of fulfillment.

Next week we’ll explore: How to create a personal ceremony.

Holding you in my heart and songs,
Congratulations to Our New Keepers in the Path of the Sacred Feminine
These fabulous women have completed 18 months of training, and are now initiated to offer the Women’s Water Ceremonies in their communities.

We warmly welcome the to a sisterhood of Keepers
(from left to right):

Barbara Fedors, MN
Aimee Lawson, MI
Teresa Doherty, CO
Patricia Askew, MI

The gals are wearing their ceremonial dresses. Don’t they look awesome!

Keeper Apprenticeship
Reverend Misa hoped to announce the next Apprenticeship Training today, but she is making some improvements in the program.

Stay tuned, we’ll have information for you soon about training to become a:

Keeper of the Water Ceremonies
(initiation in offering traditional water & contemporary ceremonies)
Keeper of the Sacred Ways
(initiation in offering contemporary ceremonies)

By the way, creating personal ceremony is where our Keeper Apprenticeship training begins!

Prayer of the Week
Janet Aker’s choice for the Prayer of the Week is a Holding meditation by Reverend Misa, entitled Holding Your Potential.

As you read this guided meditation, you'll quickly discover how to gently and lovingly hold and awaken your own powerful potential.

Friend, this is great to share with friend who wants to open their own potential for love, fulfillment and expression.

Upcoming Full Moon Healing Water Ceremonies for Awakening Women
with Reverend Misa Hopkins,
Guardian of Path of the Sacred Feminine

Mark your calendar!
Oct. 16th, Sunday, 9:30 am PDT; 12:30 pm EDT; 4:00 pm UTC
Nov. 13th, Sunday, 
9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 4:00 pm UTC
                                                       Dec. 14th, Wednesday, 5:45 pm PST; 8:45 EST;                                                              1:45 am UTC on the 15th

New Dream Foundation-Sacred Feminine Awakening is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit
Misa Hopkins / New Dream Foundation, 18124 Wedge Pkwy #191, Reno, NV 89511, United States
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