Subject: Attract Your Beloved & Create Deeper Intimacy - Sacred Feminine Awakening

Hello Friend,

Did you know that Sacred Feminine energy can help you attract your best partner or deepen intimacy with a current partner?

How to Hold to Attract a Partner or Deepen Intimacy
Hold yourself in the quality and feeling you want to experience with your beloved, whether or not this person is currently in your life.

The feeling of it is the attractor.

(It is respectful to refrain from thinking about or visualizing a specific person so that you do not interfere with that person's free will, unless you have that person's permission to do so.)

As resistance comes up, Hold the resistance in the dark, quiet silence of unconditional love.

Resistance is the part of you that tries to protect you from getting hurt, so it tries to stop you from moving forward. But as old patterns surrender to deeper love and compassion in The Holding, the patterns no longer exist to create the pain you used to experience.

As the resistance softens, you are free to fully accept the love and quality of intimacy you truly desire.

What you have longed for can now manifest because there is no resistance to your soul's desire.

Light emerges as the dance of Divine Union takes place—the sacred dance between unconditional love and the light of emergence.

Reinforce this feeling of intimacy by remembering the feeling of it, over and over throughout each day. As you feel it, you create a powerful field of energy that attracts the quality of love your heart desires.

Holding you in my heart and songs,
Alter Your Love Destiny
We have the power to alter our love destiny with the help of our ancestors.

Pretty cool huh? For those of us that watch ourselves repeating the relationship patterns of our parents and grandparents in ways that don’t work, it can be comforting to know that those ancestral family patterns can change, and with the help of our ancestors.

Here’s an example of this from my friend and colleague, Ariann, who helped this client heal a long-standing family patterns.
For generations, no woman in her family had a husband or father who stayed to raise the children. We contacted her ancestor and shifted this energy so that she could finally enjoy a happy and loving relationship with a man committed to a family. This not only helped her, but it helped her descendants as well.
This is called Ancestral Lineage Clearing. With Ariann’s guidance, I’ve cleared all kinds of family karma and patterns. It’s fun to see the changes in me, and the natural changes that occur in my family too!

In just a few weeks, Ariann is teaching a class on how to do Ancestral Lineage Clearing for yourself and others. You can attend a live class or one over the phone.

Discover more about how it works and how it is helping others:

The Next Full Moon Tele-Ceremony for Awakening Women
Full Moon Ceremony with Reverend Misa, Guardian of the Path of the Sacred Feminine

Sunday, February 21

9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 5:30 pm UTC
Conference dial-in number: 641-715-3631
Participant access code: 730645#

Time Zone Converter

Upcoming Full Moon Ceremonies
Mark your calendars!

March 23—5:45 pm PST; 8:45 pm EST
April 23—9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 5:30 pm UTC
In Native tradition, while ceremony is freely given, we as attendees also freely give. 

Your Ceremonial Gratitude Gifts Go to Scholarships

All donations from the ceremonies go to people that need assistance in order to participate in New Dream's Sacred Feminine Events. (We've helped dozens of people attend events and train to become Keepers because of your generosity.)

MP3/CD of the Month is Free

In honor of the anniversary of Misa's father's death in February, and her mother, who both died from cancer—the MP3 is her gift to you or your loved one.

CD's are available at a minimal price to cover our costs.

All Misa asks is that you let her know the ways in which it helps!

New Dream Foundation is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit
Misa Hopkins / New Dream Foundation, 18124 Wedge Pkwy #191, Reno, NV 89511, United States
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