Subject: A Sneak Peak...Sacred Feminine Awakening

Hello Friend,
Today I want to thank you for being a part of this sacred journey with me, as we awaken the ancient wisdom of the Divine Feminine within us.

This is not always an easy journey, I know, but with every step we create a more peaceful and inclusive world.

It is my great delight to be with you in one of the great sacred adventures of our time.
As we enter into the Holiday season, I thought you might appreciate a sneak peak into the next book of insights from Mary Magdalene.

The book will be out shortly, and in the mean time, here is something from her words that might offer some focus and comfort to you.

Before you read this, it will be helpful to note that Mary Magdalene sees a healer in every person. Further, she sees that all true healing is based in love.

Excerpt from Sacred Feminine Awakening: Wisdom from Mary Magdalene on Healing the Self: 

Your job as a healer is to help the person you are healing open themselves to love.

They must find love for the parts of themselves they despise and fear. They must find peace with both their regrets and their resentments. They must find peace with the harm they have done to others and the causes of harm they have incited.

They must find forgiveness for the ways in which they have rejected life and all the good life has to offer them—its sweet gifts, moments of pleasure and beautiful relationships.

They must surrender their fight with worthiness and unworthiness, for this struggle has no place in God’s vocabulary. God does not see or speak of you as worthy or unworthy, so why would you see yourself in this way? You are not separate from God. You are of God.

As you reflect on Mary's insights, it is helpful to be mindful that she is not talking about telling other people what they should do or fixing them.

She is talking about Holding ourselves in love, as we are Held in love.

Holding your own feelings about another person first is a powerful way to bring healing to both of you, without ever entering another person's space.

As your feelings become centered in love, your relationship with those around you is touched, because you are able to Hold the emotions that have been in the space between you.

There's an article and a prayer below to help you anchor into a peaceful Holiday season. I hope they serve you well.

Holding you in my heart and songs,
Article from Misa and Prayer of the Week
Janet Aker’s choice for the Prayer of the Week is a Holding meditation by Reverend Misa, entitled Meditation for Healing Family Emotional Wounds and Experiencing Freedom

Plus enjoy this timely article from Reverend Misa, Turning Blame and Family Wounds Into Emotional Healing

This guided meditation shows you how to use the Holding Meditation to release old family wounds.

Friend, this is great to share with friend who is struggling with her or his family of origin.

Be sure to "Like It" and leave a comment. :)

Emotions as a Doorway to Spiritual Awakening
Misa offered powerful insights about the Sacred Feminine in spiritual awakening in her talk at the Science and Non-Duality Conference in San Jose.

Her perspectives offer insights about the validity and importance of Sacred Feminine approaches to consciousness.

Other presenters included Deepak Chopra, Matthew Fox and Larry Dossey.

You can watch the video of her talk:
Emotions as Doorways to Spiritual Awakening

Be Sure to Read It
Before you can safely Hold space for another, you need to be able to Hold space for yourself.

This is a skill one develops over time, and here Mary Magdalene shares what needs to Held within the self in order to experience true and lasting healing...

...emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Get it now and discover how her profound wisdom can help you experience greater joy and freedom.

Upcoming Full Moon Healing Water Ceremonies for Awakening Women
with Reverend Misa Hopkins,
Guardian of Path of the Sacred Feminine

Mark your calendar!

Dec. 14th, Wednesday, 5:45 pm PST; 8:45 EST;     1:45 am UTC on the 15th
Jan. 12th, Thursday, 
5:45 pm PST; 8:45 EST; 1:45 am UTC on the 13th
Feb. 12th, Sunday, 
9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 4:00 pm UTC

New Dream Foundation-Sacred Feminine Awakening is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit
Misa Hopkins / New Dream Foundation, 18124 Wedge Pkwy #191, Reno, NV 89511, United States
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