Subject: Your Skills Requested—Upcoming Full Moon TeleCeremony

Hello Friend, Sweet Keeper of the Water,

I think about your often and hope you and those you love are staying well and strong!

Thank you to those of you who came to Cindy's Honor Ceremony. I know she would have loved it!

I know many of you have held or attempted to hold circles in which you experienced very small attendance. We've never quite figured out what to do, except to walk the path in each our own unique ways—which was a brilliant solution.

However, something truly new and remarkable is happening at our monthly Full Moon Tele-Ceremonies. Our numbers have grown exponentially.

We have anywhere from 50-100 women at each ceremony. We've grown. :)

Several times I've been deeply grateful to have Keepers on the call so we could do break-out talking circles. It's so reassuring to have Keepers holding space for these beautiful women—many of which are experiencing this for the first time.

If you would be available to facilitate talking circle for any of our upcoming tele-ceremonies, I'd be honored to include you to this new way of sharing ceremony with these amazing women.

Here are the upcoming dates and times. Please let me know which ones would work for you:

Thursday, September 3, 5:00 pm PT
Thursday, October 1, 5:00 pm PT
Sunday, November 1, 9:00 am PT
Tuesday, December 29, 5:00 pm PT

Just send me an email at and I'll include you as a facilitator for the ceremony(ies) of your choice.

I'm looking forward to creating something truly special for the women, with you!

Holding you in love and gratitude,

2675 W. Hwy 89A PMB 455, Sedona, AZ 86336, United States
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