Subject: Update on Keepers Wisdom Circle

Dear Elders and Keepers, 

We were all so excited about the new Keepers Wisdom Circle. I wish I could tell you everything is moving forward.

But as is the way of life, while Ixchel and Crystal were forming the circle, they came to the realization that their lives were calling them in a different direction. And we wish them the very best!

Opportunity for a new facilitator...

As a result, if the Keepers Wisdom Circle is to become a reality, we need someone to step forward to facilitate it.

If this is calling to you, please let me know.

The NDF board would be happy to discuss any thoughts you have about facilitating a regular gathering of Keepers. My only request is that the gathering serve as an opportunity to deepen in the practice of Holding. :)

In the mean time...

You are always welcome to deepen in the practice at our monthly Full Moon Ceremonies, with the next one coming up on the evening of Thursday, March 21 - in the energy of Spring Equinox.

And of course, we have a Keepers Holding and Talking Circle scheduled for the morning of Saturday, June 22nd (Summer Solstice). I'd love to see you there!

Holding you in love, respect and gratitude,

Mother Misa

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