Hello Sweet Keepers of the Water,
Tonight's the night for our annual Keeper's Solstice Holding Meditation and Talking Circle! I can't wait to see you. :)
Summer Solstice Holding and Talking Circle for Keepers
I’m so excited! It’s nearly Summer Solstice and time for us to gather together for a special Keepers’ Holding and talking circle!
This is time to Hold each other in our sacred work, wherever it has taken you!
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 29th at 5:00 am PT; 8:00 pm ET. I know this date is actually after Solstice, but it's the best I can do. :)
We’ll be meeting on Zoom. The information to get on the video conference using your computer or phone is below.
If you are joining in from your computer, be sure to turn your camera and audio on. ;)
I’m so looking forward to seeing you and celebrating you as a sister and Keeper!
Holding you in my heart and songs, Mother Misa
PS You'll need the password to get in!
Misa Hopkins is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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