Hello Sweet Keepers of the Water,
A truly beautiful and masterful Elder and Keeper of the Water Ceremonies crossed over to the other side on Sunday—our beloved, Cindy Mills.
For those of you who had the privilege of knowing her, she had such a wonderful way of lighting up your life, whenever you were near her. She is a sister who will be greatly missed.
We are gathering together to have an online Honor Ceremony for her, and I hope you will be able to join us.
We'll Hold her in her sacred journey on the other side and then, in talking circle, we'll share stories about how she has touched our lives. We will complete the ceremony with blessing for her continuing journey.
We gather on this Monday, July 27th at 5:00 pm PT.
This online Honor Ceremony is open to Elders, Keepers and people who would like to honor Cindy's life (men and women). If you know someone that would want to be there, please extend this invitation to them.
If you did not know her, and would like to honor a sister-Keeper, this will be a perfect opportunity to do so.
The Zoom meeting information is below.
I hope to see you there.
Holding you in my heart and songs, Mother Misa
PS New Dream Foundation is sending flowers from everyone for her memorial on Friday.
PSS You or anyone you invite will need the password to get into the Zoom online Honor Ceremony.