The election is over. Enormous challenges confront us, not only that of a peaceful transition of power but one of a raging pandemic. Millions have fallen ill and, around the world, over one million have died at the hands of the coronavirus. Yet, many believe it is not real or serious and refuse to wear masks, practice social distancing, and avoid crowds. Time and again, whether at election night parties or at the new justice swearing-in ceremony or at a motorcycle rally, superspreader events are repeated.
We now enter a perilous stage which will require redoubled efforts and ever more patience until a vaccine—which may be near—arrives.
Now is the time to use common sense and listen to doctors and scientists.
Now is the time to respect science and facts.
Now is the time for leaders who will not lie and use deceit.
Now is the time for leaders who will be humble and transparent and willing to admit their mistakes and shortcomings.
Now is the time for leaders who will not obstruct investigations.
Now is the time for leaders who will not attack judges and civil servants.
Now is the time for leaders who will understand we are all in this together and who will not seek to pit us against one another.
Now is the time for leaders who will stand against racism and hatred.
Now is the time for leaders who will champion human rights and confront dictators.
Now is the time for leaders who will seek peace and turn away from war.
Now is the time for leaders who will not seek personal profit from the offices they hold.
Now is the time for leaders who will seek unity, bind up wounds, and correct injustices.
Now is the time for leaders who will behave with dignity and not hurl insults.
Now is the time for leaders who will respect election results and abide by the will of the people.
The Psalmist begs, “Have mercy upon us, O God, have mercy upon us, for we have had more than enough of contempt. Our soul has had more than its fill of the scorn of those who are at ease, of the contempt of the proud” (Psalm 123:3-4).
Grace and Peace,
Jim |