Subject: NCC Newsletter – March 1, 2025

NCC Newsletter

March 1, 2025

Join the National Ecumenical

Lenten Prayer Webinar

Join us Monday, March 3, at 7:00 p.m. ET as NCC calls the nation to prayer at the start of the Lenten Season. Several ecumenical bodies and faith organizations are uniting to be on one accord in prayer and fasting during the 40 days of Lent, when we focus on lament, repentance, reflection, and renewal.

Register for the webinar here.

Year End Review
2024 Annual Report Now Available

NCC's 2024 Year End Review is now available for review. Click the link and view at your convenience. Also available for download on NCC's website.

40-Day Lenten Fast and Prayer Guide Available for Download

Skinner Leadership Institute, Sojourners, Center on Faith + Justice, and NCC have collaborated to create a 40-Day Lenten Prayer & Fasting Guide with the talents of Zina C. Pierre, author, and Leonitha Francis, designer. This comprehensive resource can be downloaded via NCC’s website, using this link.

Lenten Journal Available
from Friendship Press

North Carolina Council of Churches Shares The Year of Our Lord 2025 Lenten Guide

As the Lenten season approaches, the North Carolina Council of Churches is thrilled to share their 2025 Lenten Guide: The Year of the Lord is now available online.

This year's guide invites us to reflect on the powerful words of Jesus from Isaiah, as recorded in Luke 4:18-19: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor…to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Through the lectionary scriptures for Lent and Holy Week, we will meditate on how Jesus’ mission to alleviate sorrow and suffering calls us to consider: Who are the poor, the captives, the blind, and the oppressed in our world today? What role can we play in bringing them the Good News? And what does it truly mean to proclaim the Year of the Lord?

Access the guide online now and engage in this season of reflection, repentance, and renewal.

New York State Council Hosts Ecumenical and Interfaith Advocacy Days March 3–4

Join Faithful Witness Wednesdays in March

Sojourners and partners from the Washington Interfaith Staff Community (WISC) are organizing a series of faithful witness events at the Capitol every Wednesday in March, beginning March 5. These multi-faith vigils will call on Congress to exercise greater moral courage in upholding its Article 1 powers and preventing executive overreach. Our nation faces an escalating threat of a constitutional crisis fueled by the Trump administration’s overreach and unconstitutional actions. A lack of leadership in Congress has allowed this crisis to grow, as it cedes its role as a coequal branch of government.

The faith community will be raising a prophetic and pastoral call to Congressional leaders to serve as a check and balance to advance the common good. These nonpartisan vigils will speak truth to power, highlighting what’s at stake and the communities already harmed. They will feature faith leaders from diverse traditions offering inspirational prayers and calls for faithful action.

Register at SOJO.NET/WITNESS to join us either in-person or virtually. Together we can provide a Faithful Witness by speaking truth to power about this mounting crisis and about communities who are already being harmed!

  1. Livestreaming link

  2. Link to event page on Sojo website

  3. Registration page link

  4. Flyer link

Sign-on to Urge Congress to Oppose the Immoral Expansion of Immigrant Detention

Boycotts and Prayer: Faith Leaders Prepare for Lent of Protest

The Rev. Jamal Bryant said he hopes 100,000 ‘conscientious Christians’ will have signed up by March 5 to mark the ‘season of denial’ by fasting from shopping at Target.

(RNS) — Addressing the congregation at his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in suburban Atlanta on Sunday, February 23, the Rev. Jamal Bryant was trying to recruit the thousands listening in the sanctuary and online to join him in his plan for Lent, the Christian season of abstinence and spiritual preparation that begins March 5.

For their Lenten fast, he said, they should refrain from shopping at Target.


Four weeks before, the big-box retailer had announced that it would pull back from its diversity, equity and inclusion programs, including one dedicated to diversifying the suppliers it uses to stock its shelves. The announcement came days after President Donald Trump signed an executive order titled “Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing.”


Bryant is one of several faith leaders who have come up with new Lenten traditions in light of the Trump administration’s assault on DEI — besides the executive order, the president blamed a recent air disaster at Washington’s Ronald Reagan National Airport on DEI hiring — as well as policy changes reducing domestic and international humanitarian aid.


Bishop William J. Barber II, president of Repairers of the Breach, is set to join faith leaders and other activists in an Ash Wednesday procession to the Capitol and Supreme Court to deliver an open letter making a national call “to address the negative effects of the Trump administration’s executive orders, the budget plans in Congress and efforts to obtain personal information of the public, which directly impacts the poor and working people,” his organization said in a statement.


Bishop Vashti McKenzie, president of the National Council of Churches, is among the speakers listed by Repairers of the Breach for the event, but her ecumenical organization has planned its own prayer webinar for Monday to bring people across different backgrounds together to pray as “a powerful witness in a very divisive atmosphere that we find ourselves — and not just as a country, but around the world.”


The NCC also plans to distribute a prayer guide and a toolkit for “anxious congregations.”


“The church must step up to the plate to be able to provide the spiritual structure and discipline to help people navigate through this time,” said McKenzie, a retired bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

LAMPa Sponsors “Hope in a Divided World: A Faithful Response to Christian Nationalism" March 7–8

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania (LAMPa) is sponsoring “Hope in a Divided World: A Faithful Response to Christian Nationalism,” with Dr.  Lori Brandt Hale, president of the International Bonhoeffer Society – English Language Section, and Amanda Tyler of Christians Against Christian Nationalism, March 7–8.

Discover how people of faith can authentically and humbly act at the intersection of civic life and faith, in contrast and response to the forces of Christian nationalism, using the legacy and theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a guide. LAMPa has partnered with United Lutheran Seminary’s Kindling Faith to offer this event.

Young adults and youth attending Saturday’s presentations are invited to join ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton for a private luncheon.  (Congregations bringing a group of three or more youth can receive a discount for youth tickets with the promo code YOUTHGROUP at registration.)

Register to Attend in Person by Feb. 28.  Online By March 6.

Employment Opportunities

NCC Communications Officer

The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC) is seeking a talented, motivated, and passionate professional to drive the external and internal communications strategies of our ecumenical, justice, and advocacy agenda. This position offers an exciting opportunity to lead and implement strategic communications initiatives, from conception to execution, aimed at promoting our vision, mission, and values. The Marketing and Communications Officer will be responsible for managing the NCC’s overall communications and marketing strategy, including written and verbal communications, social media presence, media relations, and relationship building with key contacts in Washington DC. If you are dedicated to utilizing your skills and experience to make a difference toward positive social change, we would love to hear from you!

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Disciples Overseas Ministries/Global Ministries

Disciples Overseas Ministries/Global Ministries is seeking to fill the following positions with qualified professionals:

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ELCA Position Openings

Access the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's (ELCA) list of United States and global service opportunities here.

Send your communion or organization's position openings to

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