Subject: NCC Newsletter – June 22, 2024

NCC Newsletter

June 22, 2024

ICYMI: Recap of NCC Impact Week
Online Forum

Missed the live panel discussions from Impact Week? You can still check out the multifaceted conversations with notable leaders, covering topics ranging from voting matters to conflict across the globe. Share these engaging discussions with your community and create an impact!

Voting Matters Conversation with State Councils of Churches: What's at Stake?

Faith in the Age of AI: Navigating Opportunities and Challenge

Unfinished Business: Reparations Now!

Addressing Conflict Across the Globe: Armenia, Haiti, and Sudan

Rev. Fr. Robert George Stephanopoulos, Dean Emeritus Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Passes at 89

Photo: Greek Archdiocese of America

The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC) mourns the June 19 passing of Protopresbyter Father Robert (Haralambos) Stephanopoulos, PhD, Dean Emeritus Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New York. Father Stephanopoulos, known to his parishioners as Fr. Bob, was a respected and beloved clergyman who played an instrumental role in the ecumenical work of NCC, having served on NCC's Faith and Order Commission, which prioritizes unity and one faith, while affirming the oneness of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Fr. Stephanopoulos graduated from the Holy Cross School of Theology in Boston in 1958. He pursued further studies for a year at the Theological School of the University of Athens. He later received a postgraduate scholarship to Boston University, graduating with a PhD in Ecumenics, Missions, and World Religions. He served several communities of faith, including the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New York, where he labored faithfully for 25 years, cultivating family and community within the parish. He was honored earlier this year along with his wife, Presbytera Niki Stephanopoulos, who passed in 2023.

The NCC honors the life, legacy, humility, dedication, and love of Father Stephanopoulos, and shares in the sorrow of his family and loved ones.

NCC Freedom Summer 60 for 60 Campaign

NCC held an intimate prayer breakfast on June 21 for the launch of NCC Freedom Summer and its "$60 for 60" campaign. This initiative encourages supporters to donate $60 in honor of the 60th anniversary of Freedom Summer 1964, a movement that sought to register and educate voters in the South and to integrate Mississippi's political system.

Through a simple donation, you can partner with NCC on a deeper level and help us secure success in our efforts to educate, engage, and empower voters across the United States. Your gift of just $60 (or more) can help equip churches and individuals with the resources needed to cast their votes with competence and confidence.

Become a part of a special group of change agents supporting a movement rooted in justice, faith, and civic engagement during this critical election season.

A Case for Love Film to Expand Its
Digital Reach in Fall 2024

NCC Governing Board Members, staff, and notable attendees, including Brian Ide, director and co-writer of "A Case for Love," at film screening during the Governing Board Meeting in May 2024.

 A Case for Love, a feature-length documentary based on the teachings of the Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church, will reach the next stage of international distribution this fall.

The documentary is projected to be distributed wherever movies can be rented or purchased in the U.S. and Canada. The expanded distribution will occur near the time of Bishop Curry's upcoming retirement in late October to honor his ministry transition and foster unity during a time of division and polarization in our country.

The film was screened at the Governing Board Meeting in May with Brian Ide, director and co-writer of the film in attendance. Governing Board members were inspired by this poignant film, which will be screened this summer at The Episcopal Church's 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, June 23–28.

Stay tuned for more details on the fall distribution of A Case for Love!

Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and NCC Governing Board Chair with Brian Ide, director and co-writer of A Case for Love, at NCC's Governing Board Meeting in May 2024.

Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, Co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, to Attend Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church

Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, Co-chair of the Poor People's Campaign, will deliver a sermon titled, "Weightier Matters of the Law: Justice, Peace and Faithfulness," at Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church in Bethesda, MD on Sunday, June 23, at 10:30 a.m. Lindell Fall, Poor People's Campaign Tri-Chair, will also be a guest speaker.

Rev. Theoharis will host a Maryland Poor People's campaign mobilizing and energizing meeting at 12:30 p.m. after service on the UU campus to gear up partners for the Poor People's Campaign's March Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Moral March on Washington and to the Polls on June 29.

Join NCC as we show our support as an anchor partner in this effort to uplift the needs of more than 135 million poor people and low-wage workers nationwide this election season.

Honoring Men: Inaugural Brotherhood Awards on June 25

Join Black Enterprise, Values Partnerships, and Grammy award-winning artist, Jonathan McReynolds for "What's Good: The Brotherhood Awards," a live virtual townhall on Tuesday, June 25, at 8 p.m. ET.

This inaugural event will include giveaways, music, and community to celebrate men who have modeled exceptional and inspirational service and dedication. During the event attendees can nominate notable men in their lives to be recognized.

One Week Away from American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting

There is still an opportunity to register for the American Academy of Religion's (AAR) inaugural Online June Sessions of the Annual Meeting. Attendees are granted access to more than 60 sessions across three days. Recordings are available for up to one month after the event.

Register Now for
Poll Chaplain/Peacekeeper Training
with Faiths United to Save Democracy

Register now for Poll Chaplain/Peace Keeper training with Faiths United to Save Democracy (FUSD) and help ensure that all prospective voters have access to free, fair, and safe elections!

Training Days (Mondays: 7:00–8:30 p.m. ET)

  • July 15, 22

  • August 12, 26

  • September 9, 16, 30

Poll Chaplains / Peacekeepers will be placed in priority polling sites located in: AL, AZ, FL, GA, MI, NC, OH, PA, TX, and WI.

Employment Opportunities

Washington City Church of the Brethren

Moravian Church, Northern Province is now hiring! Learn more information about open positions here.

Hiring Moravian Church, Northern Province

Moravian Church, Northern Province is now hiring! Click the link below for more information about the open position and how to apply:

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MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger Openings

Mazon is seeking to fill an open position! Click the link below for more information about the open position and how to apply:

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BJC Position Openings

The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty (BJC) is searching for successful candidates to join their team. Click on the links below for more information:

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ELCA Position Openings

Access the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's (ELCA) list of United States and global service opportunities here.

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Interfaith Alliance Position Openings

Interfaith Alliance is seeking to expand its team with passionate and talented candidates! Click on the links below for more information:


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