Subject: NCC Legislative Update – June 29, 2024

June 29, 2024

NCC Readout of the

First 2024 Presidential Debate

In their first debate of the 2024 election season, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump clashed on several key issues, highlighting their differing visions for the United States. Biden emphasized his administration’s efforts to rebuild from the pandemic, citing job creation and measures to lower prescription drug costs, while criticizing Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy and accusing him of exacerbating the national debt. Trump defended his economic record, claiming his tax cuts spurred growth and helped navigate the COVID-19 crisis, and accused Biden of mishandling inflation and imposing detrimental mandates.

On abortion, Biden supported restoring Roe v. Wade and emphasized the importance of a woman's right to choose, while Trump took credit for its overturning and advocated for state-level control with certain exceptions. The candidates also sparred over policies impacting Black Americans, with Biden focusing on addressing systemic racism and Trump touting his achievements in criminal justice reform. The debate highlighted their stark contrasts on taxes, healthcare, and border security, setting the stage for a contentious election campaign. Throughout the debate, Biden maintained a defensive and critical tone, emphasizing empathy for working-class Americans, while Trump adopted an aggressive approach, frequently interrupting and challenging Biden's points, resulting in sharp exchanges and palpable tension.

Detailed Positions on Key Issues:


  • President Biden: Emphasized his administration's efforts to make healthcare more affordable and accessible, highlighting the reduction of insulin costs and capping prescription drug expenses for seniors. He stressed the importance of maintaining and expanding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to ensure every American has access to essential healthcare services.

  • Donald Trump: Criticized Biden's healthcare policies. He highlighted his past efforts to reduce drug prices and improve healthcare access but did not provide specific new healthcare initiatives during the debate.


  • President Biden: Supports restoring Roe v. Wade, emphasizing that abortion decisions should be between a woman and her doctor, not politicians. He denies support for late-term abortion except when the woman's life is in danger.

  • Donald Trump: Took credit for the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, returning the issue to the states. He expressed support for abortion only in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother, and voiced opposition to late-term abortions.

Immigration and Border Security

  • President Biden: Responded to criticism for the record number of migrants crossing the southern border. He suggested his policies aim to address these challenges and ensure border security while maintaining humane treatment of immigrants.

  • Donald Trump: Criticized Biden for his handling of immigration, arguing it has led to security concerns and overburdened border states. He claimed that migrants coming to America were “raping and killing women.” He asserted that his own policies were more effective in managing the border.

Policies that Support Black Americans

  • President Biden: Highlighted his administration’s efforts to support Black Americans through initiatives such as funding for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), addressing systemic racism, and reducing racial disparities in housing, education, and healthcare. He emphasized creating economic opportunities and supporting communities of color through targeted investments.

  • Donald Trump: Pointed to his administration’s accomplishments, including funding for HBCUs, creating Opportunity Zones, and criminal justice reform through the First Step Act. He claimed these policies significantly benefited Black Americans by providing more economic opportunities and addressing issues within the criminal justice system. Trump criticized Biden’s past support for the 1994 crime bill, arguing it disproportionately impacted Black communities negatively. He claimed that migrants are taking “Black jobs”.

Climate Change and Pollution

  • President Biden: Supports policies that significantly reduce pollution and promote clean energy.

  • Donald Trump: Focused on deregulation and promoting economic growth, arguing that too many restrictions hurt the economy.


  • President Biden: Plans to increase taxes on the wealthy (those making more than $400,000 a year) to fund social programs and reduce the deficit. He aims to ensure billionaires pay a fairer share.

  • Donald Trump: Highlighted his $2 trillion tax cut, claiming it benefited the economy, though experts indicate 60% of the tax cut went to the top 20% of earners. He also proposed imposing a 10% tariff on all goods entering the U.S. to address the deficit and boost revenue.

Social Security and Medicare

  • President Biden: Aims to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare by increasing taxes on high earners. He accused Trump of wanting to cut these programs.

  • Donald Trump: Accused Biden of policies that would destroy Social Security and Medicare by adding millions of new beneficiaries, particularly migrants from the southern border, leading to insolvency.

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