Subject: Join the NCC Freedom Summer Mobilization Call on July 2 at 11 a.m. ET

NCC is grateful for your support of NCC Freedom Summer!


The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA is excited to start our NCC Freedom Summer Campaign to help mobilize voters across the country for the upcoming election season. To ensure that our supporters are kept updated on the latest developments and upcoming plans, we invite you to attend our brief partner mobilizing call on Tuesday, July 2, at 11 a.m. ET.

NCC Freedom Summer is a faith-based civic engagement campaign inspired by the 1964 Freedom Summer, which sought to register voters and integrate Mississippi’s segregated political system. Almost 1,500 volunteers, including 254 NCC-sponsored clergy, worked in project offices across Mississippi to pursue this pioneering effort.

As a part of Freedom Summer, we will be going on a Freedom Ride to different cities around the country in an effort to reach voters on the ground.

  • July 19-20, 2024 – Jacksonville, Florida

  • July 26-27, 2024 – Atlanta, Georgia

  • August 2-3, 2024 – Durham, North Carolina

  • August 9-10, 2024 – Detroit, Michigan

  • August 16-17, 2024 – Jackson, Mississippi

If your church or organization would like to be a part of the NCC Freedom Ride in any of these cities, please let us know! We also invite you to participate in our $60 for 60 campaign to commemorate the 60th anniversary of 1964 Freedom Summer.

Please join us online as we discuss critical details about NCC Freedom Summer. Be on the lookout for a calendar invite!

Link to the meeting:

Topics include:

  • NCC Freedom Ride

  • 60 for 60 Campaign

  • Partner Roles

  • Q&A/Recommendations and more!

Please feel free to email with any questions!

We look forward to seeing you,

The NCC Team

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