Subject: Getting Connected: Your Next Steps with NCC!

Following up from 2024 Hampton University Ministers' Conference!

On behalf of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC), we are grateful to have met you this past week at the 110th Hampton University Ministers' Conference!

 The NCC is an ecumenical organization that represents 37 member communions nationwide, comprised of 30 million people in 100,000 congregations from different Christian traditions including Mainline Protestant, Peace Churches, Historic African American churches and Orthodox churches. Led by Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, NCC President and General Secretary, the NCC is continuing the almost 75-year tradition of social justice and civil rights using our faith as the backbone for our service in the public square.  

Your Next Steps with NCC

The National Council of Churches is gearing up for the NCC Freedom Summer civic engagement campaign. Historically, NCC played an integral part in the 1964 Freedom Summer Project, sending over a thousand volunteers, including NCC-sponsored clergy, to help civil rights workers register voters and desegregate the political system in Mississippi. In celebration of the 60th anniversary of Freedom Summer and in preparation for the 2024 election, the NCC Freedom Summer campaign is seeking to mobilize voters all over the country. 

We are kicking off our Freedom Summer with NCC Impact Week June 17-21. Each day we will hold a virtual webinar session on the topics listed below with experts from the field. 


  • Monday, June 17: Regional Council of Churches 

  • Tuesday, June 18: AI and Faith 

  • Wednesday, June 19: Unfinished Business…Reparations Talk 

  • Thursday, June 20: International Genocide and Global Conflict Discussion: Sudan, Haiti, Armenia 

  • Friday, June 21: Freedom Summer Press Conference (in person at 100 Maryland Ave NE, Washington DC, 20002)

The Freedom Academy is designed as an intensive six-week virtual “Sunday school” for all ages with the goal of educating attendees on the principles of civic engagement, social justice and the importance of voting rights from a faith-based perspective. The curriculum will be focused on Luke 4. Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie and other notable facilitators will be a part of this engaging program. At the completion of the program, attendees will receive an NCC Freedom Academy Certificate. Register today!

Every Sunday from July 7- August 11

  • Week 1. July 7, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me - Sacred Spirituality of Freedom/Theology of Freedom Luke 4:14-15 (NRSVue)

  • Week 2. July 14, Bring Good News to the Poor — Economic Freedom Luke 4:16-17a (NRSVue)

  • Week 3. July 21, Proclaim Release of the Captives — End Mass Incarceration/ Criminal Justice  Luke 4:17b-18a (NRSVue)

  • Week 4. July 28, Recovery of Sight to the Blind — Health Equity Luke 4:18b (NRSVue)

  • Week 5. Aug 4, Free those who are Oppressed — Racial Justice Luke 4:18c (NRSVue)

  • Week 6. Aug 11, Proclaim the Year of the Lord’s Favor —Beloved Community and Democracy Luke 4:19-22 (NRSVue)


Freedom Fellows are the cornerstone of the NCC Freedom Summer 60th-anniversary commemorative campaign. Through your participation as a leader in this multi-week immersive fellowship program, you will establish community hubs and organize local churches for various outreach activities, including Bible study, canvassing, and voter empowerment and civic education workshops.

NCC Freedom Summer will recruit Freedom Fellows to engage congregations for voter registration, community canvassing, and phone and text banking.


NCC Freedom Summer will host a five-city Freedom Ride to empower voters and inspire communities through faith, food and fellowship. NCC Freedom Ride will consist of a faith breakfast, press conference, canvassing, community worship service and fish fry.

  • July 19, 2024 – Jacksonville, Florida

  • July 26, 2024 – Atlanta, Georgia

  • August 2, 2024 – Durham, North Carolina

  • August 9, 2024 – Detroit, Michigan

  • August 16, 2024 – Jackson, Mississippi

If you are based in these cities and want to get your church involved use this link to register!  

VOTING MATTERS 2024 Election Empowerment Guide

We are excited to announce the creation of the NCC Voting Matters 2024 Election Empowerment Guide. This guide helps churches to engage their congregations in voting. It includes, theological grounding, scriptures for preaching, how to have tough conversations around voting, and the Do's and Don'ts from the IRS regarding 501c3 organizations and voting. Our goal with this toolkit is for you to assign a voting team in each of your churches to engage and equip congregation members on your local voting laws, restrictions, dates for early voting, and more!

That is all for now! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at! Be on the look out for additional information regarding these initiatives. We look forward to seeing you again during this exciting summer!

With gratitude,


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