Subject: NCC Climate Change January 2022 - Community tree planters, our next Q&A and job opportunities

Happy New Year!

Northumberland County Council is committed to making our county carbon neutral by 2030.

We need everyone to do their bit to help reduce carbon emissions as much as possible over the next decade.

Where can you help make a difference? 👇👇👇

Climate Change Q&A

Wednesday 19 January, 5pm

COP26 saw leaders from all over the planet coming together to take action against climate change. But what does this mean for Northumberland?

Chaired by Council Leader Glen Sanderson, our panel of climate change experts will be looking at the outcomes from COP26 and how these affect our Climate Change Action Plan going forward. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask our panel questions which will be answered live on air.

Ovington plant towards a better future

To celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, we’ve been working with residents, schools, community groups, towns and parishes across Northumberland to plant tree saplings this winter.

The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a unique tree planting initiative created to mark the Jubilee this year which invites people from across the UK to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee”.

We’ve selected just a handful of communities that are doing their bit for the planet by planting more trees. Over the next few months, we’ll be telling you their stories and why they think it’s so important to take positive steps towards climate change.

First up we have the Ovington Tree Planting group. The group are determined to replace trees in their parish that unfortunately have ash dieback, a highly destructive disease that will eventually kill the trees. This winter, they took us up on our offer of 90 free tree saplings to help their cause.

Find out more about our Queen’s Green Canopy campaign:

Damage caused by Storm Arwen

Storm Arwen caused devastation across Northumberland on the night of November 26.

As many of you will have seen, a lot of trees have fallen due to the strong winds from the storm. Tree coverage across the county is extremely important when it comes to reaching our 2030 carbon neutral goal. Carbon capture from trees (sometimes called sequestration) accounts for 61% of carbon reduction in Northumberland.

Our teams are working hard to clear up debris, repair damaged trees and establish what this means for our carbon footprint. Once we know the true extent of the damage we will publish how we plan to recover from this loss.

In the meantime, we are keen to hear of any fallen or damaged trees that are yet to be reviewed.

Going Green Together

The Going Green Together campaign is supporting the North East’s VCSE sector towards Net Zero. It can be difficult for organisations to know where to begin on their climate action journey because there is so much information out there and it feels like such a big step. Going Green Together is here to encourage organisations to take their first step – no matter how small – because this leads to sustainable change.

On the Going Green Together website you can learn about the climate crisis, find examples of different climate actions your organisation could take and see what actions other organisations across the North East have taken. If you’re not sure where to begin, come along to the next monthly peer support session on Wednesday, 9th February from 4pm-5pm to have a chat with other organisations at the start of their climate action journey.

Stay up to date with the latest Going Green Together news by subscribing to the newsletter.

Job opportunity: Just Transition Project Coordinator

Do you want to lead on consulting high-carbon workers to plan for a just transition in the North East? Join the Energy Democracy Project and the North of Tyne Combined Authority (NTCA) Mayor's team to plan for the good, green jobs of the future.

Looking for someone to lead on consulting high-carbon workers and employers within the NTCA area who are at risk of losing their jobs due to the climate transition, so as to ensure that an inclusive and just transition is realised.

Deadline: 10am Tuesday 25 January

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