Subject: Climate Action Northumberland: May update 🌳

Welcome to your monthly Climate Change update.
Northumberland County Council is committed to making our county carbon neutral by 2030 and w
e need everyone to do their bit to help reduce carbon emissions.

How can you help make a difference? 👇
Funding for community groups in Northumberland
We are offering financial support to community organisations through our Northumberland Climate Change Fund including voluntary and community groups, registered charities, constituted groups or clubs, community interest companies (CIC), social enterprises and parish councils so that they can make changes to become more sustainable. Two funding opportunities are available:

Smaller bid: up to £1,000:
  • Event equipment
  • Promotional materials
  • One off hire cost
  • Tree planting
  • Energy audits/EPC ratings/retrofit assessments
  • Community orchards or forests
  • Larger events or series of events
Bigger bid: up to £5,000:
  • Renewable energy/retrofitting
  • Paid community positions
  • This can be used for match funding to support larger projects (exception: cannot be used to match fund other Northumberland County Council funded projects)
To apply, projects must support the Council's Climate Change Action Plan be a new initiative, demonstrate longevity and show a commitment to engaging with the wider community to encourage action on climate change.

Bids are being welcomed from Wednesday 4 May for six weeks until Wednesday 15 June, which is the deadline for the first round of applications.

The funding can be used to match funding to support larger projects, but cannot be used to match funding for other Northumberland County Council funded projects. Exclusions apply.

Climate Website proposal: Have your say
We are creating a website which will help you, your group or company to get involved in climate action across Northumberland. We have an idea of how we would like this website to look but we need your input. If you are an individual, business, organisation, community group or school, we would love to hear from you.

Warmer Homes: Helping to make energy-saving improvements to your home
As energy prices continue to rise, fuel poverty will affect more of our residents and we are actively working to ease fuel poverty. Our Warmer Homes scheme can help homeowners in Northumberland make energy-saving improvements to their homes whilst improving comfort and affordability. 

Through our Warmer Homes scheme, you could receive:
  • Heating controls to help control the temperature of your home.
  • Insulation for walls and lofts to keep the heat in
  • Heating measures which use less carbon, such as air source heat pumps.
  • Renewable energy generation such as solar panels.
To be eligible you must meet both of the following criteria:
  • If your home has an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D, E, F or G (if your property does not currently have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) an EPC survey can be undertaken as part of the home survey).
  • Your household income is less than £30,000 or someone living in your home receives benefits including Universal Credit, Income Support and Disability Allowance or the occupants are assessed as at risk of fuel poverty.
Private landlords can also apply, however the maximum fundable by Warmer Homes for landlord properties is 66%.

Spread the word: We will soon have posters and flyers to send out and spread the message about Warmer Homes. If your community group or Town/Parish Council have a notice board or community space where these could be displayed or distributed, please email with a delivery address, where you will be putting them and how many you would like.
Sign up to be a Tree Warden
Northumberland County Council is the Tree Warden coordinator for the County. Tree wardens will help to plant, look after and make trees matter in their communities. As the Tree Warden coordinator we will share with you resources and training from the Tree Council to help you look after and care for our trees in Northumberland. You can apply as an individual or on behalf of a group to become a Tree Warden. Deadline for applications is Friday 3rd June. 

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Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 2EF, United Kingdom
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