Subject: Climate Action Northumberland: July update 🌳

Welcome to your monthly Climate Change update.
Northumberland County Council is committed to making our county carbon neutral by 2030 and w
e need everyone to do their bit to help reduce carbon emissions.

How can you help make a difference? 👇
Launch of Town and Parish Council Climate Change Toolkit
We have just launched our Town and Parish Council Climate Change Toolkit which includes useful hints and tips on getting town or parish councils onboard in making little – or even bigger - changes to help enhance and protect our beautiful county. We all want to work together in our ambition to tackle climate change and we understand that, to reach this goal, we need to support all of our partners and colleagues in making the necessary adjustments to become more sustainable – whether that is through identifying land to plant trees or providing information about different funding streams.
Pilot scheme approved for food waste
The council Cabinet has approved the trial of a pilot scheme to collect residents' food waste for recycling. The trial is set to begin in September with separate weekly food waste collections being provided to around 4,800 households. The food waste will create a biogas which can be used to produce heat, electricity, and transport fuel, as well as producing a nutrient rich biofertiliser that can be used to replace chemical fertilisers in agriculture. The trial will run for an initial period of 10 months before being considered for a county-wide scheme once the government confirms support for food waste collections nationally in England.

Travel habits: Have your say
We want to know your views about travel habits and your opinion of walking and cycling. The survey should take 10 minutes to complete and we'd love to hear your thoughts. There are no right or wrong answers and anything you tell us will be kept confidential. It is anonymous and your answers will only be used for research purposes. The closing date for the survey is 10 July 2022. The survey is being conducted independently by Bluegrass Research which works to the Market Research Society Code of Conduct.

Tell us about your climate actions
We know there is some fantastic work and projects going on across the county and we want to shout about it. Please share your climate projects and stories with us via email at We would love to feature them in our monthly newsletter.
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Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 2EF, United Kingdom
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