Looking for input from UK and US/Can practitioners.
FOR THE UK (US/Can see below)
I am attending a kinesiology conference in Germany mid-June which affords me the opportunity to come to the UK on my return trip. Since the HK/NB courses of GeoBiology and Body BioEnergetics have not been taught in the UK for a number of years, I hope to offer them for those who have yet to add these factors to their menus.
More info on the curriculum for these courses can be found at the end of this letter. Due to the physical nature of these courses, they cannot be taught online so can only be taught in-person. Note: HK/NB 6 is a prerequisite for both these classes.
Each course is 4 full days, the cost is £600 per course. Fully paid registrations before May 15 will receive £100 discount. Credit Card and payment plans available (sorry no PayPal).
The proposed dates are Fri 23rd – Mon 26th June and Tues 27th – Fri 30th June. The course location will be determined by those who register - I will try to find the most central location for all students.
I need to determine if there is enough interest for me to run these classes - please email me if you would like to take GeoBiology, Body BioEnergetics, or both, to linda@naturalbioenergetics.ca and I will compile a list to see if this is viable. I need to hear from you by Feb 15 to ensure we can get the classes up and running. Thank you.
I look forward to meeting you in person this summer!
Since the HK/NB courses of GeoBiology and Body Bioenergetics have not been taught in the US for a number of years, I want to offer those in the US this spring or fall. Some people have also requested Intrusive Energies. See the class information below.
I am looking to see what interest there is in these classes. If the classes were offered in late May/June or early Oct would you register and attend? If there are enough people for these classes. I suggest one or both of the courses the June 11-14 or earlier (June 5-8 if we do 2 classes). Moving it to start the 23rd of May is also good for me. Or, in early Oct. Email me your interest and what works for you.
For the US/CAN, depending again on who registers the courses will likely be in upstate NY. However if there is enough interest other locations will be explored.
The cost is $650 USD per course in North America. Fully paid registrations before May 1 will receive a $100 dollar discount. Credit Card and pre-payment plans available (sorry no PayPal).
All the classes will be in person.
Email me if you are interested. Please be sure to tell me When, where you are and where you are willing to travel to.