Subject: Here's Your Recording For The "What The Hell Is Going On With Film Distribution" Seminar

Film Distribution Poster
Thank You For Joining Us for
Tonight's Distribution Seminar!

Thank you to all those who participated in tonight's seminar, and thanks especially to Jerome, for lending so much of his time and expertise. See below for his contact information. And apologies for the Zoom Bomber! I've been doing Zoom Meetings and Webinars for awhile now, but this was my first Zoom Bomber, so I guess I've finally arrived (at what, I'm not exactly sure). Thanks to those who alerted me to his presence. 

For those of you who missed it, here is the recording of our session...
Password: squad (case sensitive)

I went through the chat and saw a few questions we didn't have time to get to, (for instance, someone asked what a Four Wall was. That's when a distributor (or a filmmaker) rents a theater to play their movie, rather than them getting a cut of the box office gross). Someone asked if they could hit us up with questions, which of course you can. You can reply to this email to reach me, and here is Jerome's contact information:

http://www.Distribution.LA (he wanted me to mention he is working on updating his site)
Twitter: @Distribution411
IG & FB: @FilmDistribution

Email: Jerome@Distribution.LA
Phone: (323) 662-8877

Remember, you can hire Jerome to consult on the distribution of your film.

For those of you who were asking about the two trailers we showed, here are the links to the films, if you want to check them out or learn more:

Healing River (2020)

Notzilla (2020):

Remarkably, as some of you noted in the Chat, these were directed by the same person, even though they are clearly very different movies. 

If you weren't already, you're now on my No Budget Film School mailing list. This means you will be getting my somewhat-regular newsletters, and information about upcoming classes and programs that I offer. Even better, you'll be entitled to special discounts on all paid programs that I do. If for any reason you don't want to remain on this list, it's very easy to unsubscribe at the bottom of any email.

I'm putting together some more great Guest Expert Workshops--stay tuned for those. In the meantime, please mark your calendar for my next No Budget Film Club virtual screening. I'll be screening the just-released no-budget comedy Engaged In Vegas, and hosting a candid Live Discussion with the writer/director/producer/actor Abe Schwartz and several of his teammates on June 7, 2021 at 6pm PDT. I hope to get you the details of that very soon! 

If you enjoy these programs, please help me spread the word. If you know any filmmakers who might find them edifying and inspiring, please let them know. Please share on your social media or however you connect with people. I really appreciate it!

See you next month!


© 2021 Mark Stolaroff
2100 N. Beachwood Dr. #207, Los Angeles, CA 90068, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.