Subject: Why Do Forests Have High Biodiversity?

Forests are awe inspiring habitats, don’t you think?

Stepping into a forest is like stepping into an entire world of unique plants, trees & animals all co-existing together in sensitive ecological relationships.

For this reason, forests make major contributions to the earth’s overall species, and it’s fascinating to track the underlying (and sometimes subtle) reasons why this happens.

So why do forests have high biodiversity? It's actually pretty magical!

Forests are capable of creating micro-niches of diverse growing conditions by altering available light, heat & moisture conditions in such a way that moderates the local climate.

In simple terms, these micro-niches can be described as:

  • Shady places contrasting with sunny places

  • Warm places contrasting with cool places

  • Wet places contrasting with dry places

The more variety of diverse growing conditions you have in a small space, the more diversity of species can co-exist. It’s that simple!

And the cool thing is forests are extremely effective at making this happen.

This is a big topic with some fascinating insights, so I wrote a whole article to really dive in and show how you can start tracking biodiversity in your own local forests. Go check it out if you're interested in learning more!

Why Do Forests Have High Biodiversity?

Brian Mertins

PS: Whenever you're ready... Here are 4 other ways I can help you go deeper and really integrate these nature awareness skills in your life:

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Also... Check these out :-)

How Do Forests Form? (forest succession, pioneer plants & growth stages)

What's The Difference Between Coniferous And Deciduous Forests?

How To Read The Secrets Of A Forest


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