Subject: Why Do Crows Gather At Sunset?

Woa, look at all those crazy crows! Why are they swarming like that?

One of the most striking displays of crow behavior is when crows gather together in massive groups at the end of the day.

These flocks can grow to as many as hundreds or even thousands of crows, which really makes them stand out in the environment.

Bird watchers have marveled at these massive gatherings of crows at dawn & dusk for hundreds of years and speculated about why they form such large groups.

Wave after wave of crows will swarm together in treetops, on the roofs of buildings, or on the ground until there are thousands of crows all gathered in one place.

There are actually multiple reasons why crows do this, and researchers are still working to piece together the complete story.

It's pretty fascinating and there's a good chance there are crows doing this where you live too! So let's talk about what's happening here...

Why Do Crows Gather At Sunset?

Brian Mertins

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Also... Check these out :-)

Crow Territorial Behavior

What's The Difference Between Crows & Ravens? (Including Behavior)

What's That Crow Saying? (Free Ebook)


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