Subject: Why Are Blue Jays So Noisy? (stellars, scrub & gray jays too!)

If you spend much time in the woods then you’ve probably had the experience of being suddenly inundated with a noisy flock of jays.

Jays are sometimes so noisy that even people who aren’t at all interested in birds wonder what’s happening to make them act so crazy.

So let’s explore this today… why are blue jays so noisy?

There are 3 common reasons for noisy Jay behavior:

  1. During courtship: noisy groups of male jays will follow around their desired mates while making loud and raucous calls.

  2. During predator defense: groups of Jays will gather around hawks & owls to mob and scold the source of danger.

  3. Young jays in late summer/fall: make extremely noisy begging calls to elicit food from their parents.

For each situation, there are distinct behavioral indicators that identify why the jays are calling and making so much noise.

So let’s explore these different scenarios and next time you hear jays going crazy you’ll know exactly what they’re saying!

Note: While today's article uses the example of blue jays, these same basic principles will also apply to Stellar’s jays, Scrub jays, and all jays who make loud noises :-)

Why Are Blue Jays So Noisy? (stellars, scrub & gray jays too!)

Brian Mertins

PS: Whenever you're ready... Here are 4 other ways I can help you go deeper and really integrate these nature awareness skills in your life:

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Also... Check these out :-)

Beginner's Guide To Bird Language

9 Real Life Examples Of Bird Alarm Calls

The Bird Language Blueprint (Online Course)


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