Subject: The Forest Field Guide

Today - I’m super excited to announce that my new book is completely finished and ready for action.

It’s called “The Forest Field Guide” and I’m giving away free copies to all my amazing subscribers and online community!

Just click here and follow the simple registration steps.
The big goal of this guide is to give you a whole bunch of real life examples around how to predict what’s happening in a forest by looking at the patterns of plants, trees & local ecology.

There are 10 chapters, each covering key concepts & actual patterns you can look for in your own landscape to gain amazing deep insights about your local environment.

Here’s a little taste of what you’ll learn:
  • Why you don’t need to be an expert in species identification in order to make intuitive predictions about nature.
  • The simplest awareness trick for making normally subtle patterns stand out much more obviously.
  • How to quickly assess the relative age of a forest so you can predict the past history & likely future of any landscape.
  • Using plants as indicators of health, moisture & overall landscape abundance supporting wildlife populations.
  • Tips for discovering how these patterns work in your own home environment so you can be much more intuitive about how nature works.
I’m super excited to support your journey into practical outdoor awareness skills that lead to a more meaningful & nature connected lifestyle.

So if you want to take some big steps forward… come grab your copy of The Forest Field Guide.

Brian Mertins

PS. I'm starting a new round of my distance nature mentoring community. 

We're going go really deep with nature awareness skills like bird language, animal tracking & reading the stories of nature.

As a participant, I'll be working with you one-on-one around exactly what to look for outside and you'll report back what you discover so we can go deeper every week.

I'm building an amazing community of naturalists with stories from learners all around the world... and I'd love to work with you.

Just reply to this email and put “Mentoring” in the subject line, and I'll get you the details :-)

PLUS. Whenever you're ready... here are 4 other ways I can help you explore awesome nature awareness skills in your life:

1. Be A Guest On My Nature Podcast
My favorite thing to do is helping people go deep with nature awareness skills like bird language, tracking, observation & awareness - Click Here

2. Try The New Nature Skills Scorecard
There are 8 key mindsets common to all people who go very deep with nature-based awareness skills. Find out how they're growing or slowing your naturalist journey - Click Here

3. Join Our Nature Skills Mentoring Community
I'm putting together a new nature mentoring group… If you’d like to work with me on growing your skills as a naturalist, tracker and mentor… just reply to this message and put “Mentoring” in the subject line.

4. Setup A Free Discovery Call With Me
I’m planning some free discovery calls to talk about bird language, nature awareness, and naturalist mentoring techniques… Would you like to connect with me? Just reply with “Discovery” in the subject line and I’ll get you the details :-)

Also... Check these out :-)

The Nature Awareness Journey

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