Subject: Solving Nature Connection Blocks

When I first got interested in developing my nature awareness skills… there were times when found the whole process a bit overwhelming.

It was about 12 years ago when I became totally obsessed with being able to follow bird alarms and locate wild animals like cats, owls and hawks.

I wanted to know everything about wildlife tracking, forest ecology & bird communication so I could get closer to animals and blend in with the land on a deep level.

But even after two whole years of sitting outside every day watching, listening and journaling my observations… I still could not figure it out!

It just wasn’t coming together for me even though I was following all the right instructions.

Why was it so difficult?

Well, I believe it’s because back then I didn’t have a mentor… I had no one to talk with!

The biggest shift for me happened when I finally got a chance to talk with real people who had actually done these skills before me.

When I started sharing my stories & experiences with people ahead of me on the journey, suddenly I started getting feedback and questions that helped me learn a million times faster.

Today I’ve got a great podcast episode with Jared Gellert in the forests of Pennsylvania.

His story is a great example of someone who already has some amazing nature routines going in his backyard.

He's getting outside. He's doing a sit spot. He's paying attention to what's happening with the birds, plants and trees.

But he’s also hitting some very real (and common) challenges around identification and understanding the big picture of his landscape.

Let’s dive in and see how easy it is to transform these blocks through simple dialogue and questioning about Jared’s personal observations from the backyard!

It’s up right now at the podcast page for today’s episode.

Brian Mertins

PS. Last week I finished creating a new crow language home study course that goes really deep into the behaviour and communication patterns of crows & ravens. 

Would you like to have a copy? 

Just reply to this email and put "Crow" in the subject line, and I'll get you the details :-)

PLUS: Whenever you're ready... here are 4 other ways I can help you weave practical outdoor skills into your life:

1. Be A Guest On The Nature Wisdom Podcast
My favorite thing to do is help people go deep with their nature skills like bird language, tracking, observation & awareness - Click Here

2. Join Our Nature Skills Mentoring Community
I'm putting together a new mentoring group starting this month… If you’d like to work with me on growing your skills as a naturalist, tracker and wilderness mentor… just reply to this message and put “Mentoring” in the subject line.

3. Join My Bird Language Masterclass and be a Case Study
I’m looking to create some case studies using bird alarms to track the hidden movements of wild animals. If you’d like to work with me on decoding the language of birds in your own backyard... just reply to this message and put “Bird Language” in the subject line.

4. Awaken Your Child’s Natural Genius
One of my biggest passions is designing custom mentoring plans for nurturing the talents of young people through brain games disguised as fun outdoor play-time. If you mentor kids as a parent or educator and you’d like to work with me on some ideas for the young people in your life… just reply to this email and put “Genius” in the subject line.

Also... Check these out :-)

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