Subject: New Video: The Easy Way To Learn Birds By Ear (Bird Sounds ID)


I just published a new video that shares my personal favorite method for learning to identify birds by sound.

I call this technique “Learning The Birds Backwards” and you can check it out here!

Here’s what you’ll learn in today’s video:

  • Advantages of bird sound identification VS visual identification

  • Why it slows your learning to start with “mystery birds” (and what you should do instead)

  • Why it’s not enough to just learn a bird’s song (The real magic comes when you know EVERY sound that bird makes)

  • How to memorize a bird’s sounds by getting them stuck in your head

  • Split second bird ID and cultivating naturalist fluency by listening to bird sounds in the forest

  • And lots more!

Most people try to learn bird sounds the hard way… But there's a much easier method that helps you memorize bird sounds so you can identify them instantly without even thinking!

The Easy Way To Learn Birds By Ear!

Brian Mertins

PS: Whenever you're ready... Here are 4 other ways I can help you go deeper and really integrate these nature awareness skills in your life:

1. Ask me your Questions About Nature and Awareness Skills Training

I love knowing all your biggest goals & challenges when it comes to exploring plants, trees, birds, wildlife tracking & sensory training for deep nature awareness. Just reply to this message and ask me your biggest questions so I can help you get where you want to go!

2. Check out my Online Nature Courses
I have a growing curriculum of online courses that will walk you through basic & advanced nature connection skills including nature journaling, crow behavior/communication, naturalist studies & bird language - Click Here.

3. Join the Nature Skills Mentoring Community
Every month I get on the phone with passionate nature lovers all around the world to train our skills with nature observation & awareness. If you’d like to work with me on growing your skills as a naturalist, tracker or nature connection mentor… just reply to this message and put “Mentoring” in the subject line and I'll get you all the details.

4. Work with me One-On-One
If you'd like to work directly with me to train your deep nature awareness skills... just reply to this message and put "One-on-One" in the subject line... tell me a little about yourself and what you'd like to work on together, and I'll get you all the details!

Also... Check these out :-)

How To Identify Birds: 21 Easy Tips To Sharpen Your Bird ID Skills

Beginner's Guide To Bird Language: How To Know What Birds Are Saying

The Bird Language Blueprint (Online Course)


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