Subject: Nature Mapping: The "Super-Skill" For Knowing Your Land

Imagine you just had an amazing wildlife encounter in the forest that totally blew your mind...

You get home all charged up and excited from having this magical moment, and your mind is filled with all kinds of fascinating questions like:

  • What was that animal doing?

  • Where was it going?

  • What does it eat?

  • Where does it live?

  • Does it have a family?

  • Will I ever see it again?

  • How can I gain deeper insight about this amazing moment in nature?

So what if I told you there's a super easy and fun technique you can do anytime you want to really maximize your ability to learn through direct nature observation...

And to get us all ready for spring fun in nature, I've just published a new video showing exactly how it works, with simple tips/guidelines for how you can start practicing.

Check it out here:

A few things you'll learn:

  • Why nature mapping is one of the oldest and most basic human awareness skills.

  • How drawing nature maps helps you learn your land faster and integrate at a much deeper level.

  • A mapping case study from one of my own close encounters with a family of mountain lions!

  • 3 simple steps to creating your first map of nature.

It's crazy how few people who aspire to deep nature connection, wildlife tracking & bird language skills actually practice this technique, but I think you'll really feel the difference!

Nature Mapping: The "Super-Skill" For Knowing Your Land

Brian Mertins

PS: Whenever you're ready... Here are 4 other ways I can help you go deeper and really integrate these nature awareness skills in your life:

1. Ask me your Questions About Nature and Awareness Skills Training

I love knowing all your biggest goals & challenges when it comes to exploring plants, trees, birds, wildlife tracking & sensory training for deep nature awareness. Just reply to this message and ask me your biggest questions so I can help you get where you want to go!

2. Check out my Online Nature Courses
I have a growing curriculum of online courses that will walk you through basic & advanced nature connection skills including nature journaling, crow behavior/communication, naturalist studies & bird language - Click Here.

3. Join the Nature Skills Mentoring Community
Every month I get on the phone with passionate nature lovers all around the world to train our skills with nature observation & awareness. If you’d like to work with me on growing your skills as a naturalist, tracker or nature connection mentor… just reply to this message and put “Mentoring” in the subject line and I'll get you all the details.

4. Work with me One-On-One
If you'd like to work directly with me to train your deep nature awareness skills... just reply to this message and put "One-on-One" in the subject line... tell me a little about yourself and what you'd like to work on together, and I'll get you all the details!

Also... Check these out :-)

Complete Guide To Using A Sit Spot In Nature

How To Read The Secrets Of A Forest

Awaken Your Naturalist Intelligence (Online Course)


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