Subject: How To Learn The Plant Growth Stages


I just wrote a new article that walks you through the stages of growth that all plants go through on their way to maturity - Check it out here!

This is an extremely simple yet potent plant skill to help you understand and identify plants in a much more intuitive and effortless way.

The simplest way to describe plant growth is with 4 stages:

  1. Germination is when the seed first becomes active and starts the whole process of plant growth. This is triggered by a specific set of soil, moisture & temperature conditions.

  2. Leafy growth – The plant will go through a period of leafy growth to build a strong root system and develop it’s capacity for harvesting energy from the sun. Many plants are at their most difficult to identify at this stage.

  3. Flowering happens once the plant is strong enough and has the optimal conditions to bloom. The plant produces colorful blossoms to attract bees & other pollinating insects, or to spread pollen on the wind.

  4. Seed distribution is the ultimate goal of every plant. This is what moves their species forward and gradually evolves new genetic diversity.

The cool thing is you don’t even need to know the identity of a plant in order to know what stage of growth that plant is in... And knowing these stages consequently makes plants sooo much easier to identify!

There's lots more I have to share on this topic, including 4 extra subtle plant stages you can look for and how the growth patterns work differently in different types of plants, so go check out the full article if you're interested!

How To Learn The Plant Growth Stages: Photo examples with annual, perennial & biennial growth stages

Brian Mertins

PS: Whenever you're ready... Here are 4 other ways I can help you go deeper and really integrate these nature awareness skills in your life:

1. Ask me your Questions About Nature and Awareness Skills Training

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2. Check out my Online Nature Courses
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4. Work with me One-On-One
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Also... Check these out :-)

How To Start Learning About Plants (Plant basics & steps for ID)

14 Types of Plants Everyone Should Know

6 Fascinating Questions To Ask About Plants


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