Subject: How Do Foxes Hunt?

One thing I love about foxes is they’re just so darn easy to observe on the hunt.

This is because foxes hunt in a relatively small area compared to larger-sized predators which means you don’t have to search as far to find them, and their populations can be quite high within a relatively defined area.

When you understand their hunting strategy, it’s like a roadmap to having some pretty amazing moments watching foxes in the wild.

So today let’s dive into learning about how foxes hunt and how you can connect with them more deeply - Click here to check it out!

Here’s a few things we’ll explore:

  • What makes the fox hunting strategy unique?

  • Key points about fox diets and resulting changes in their hunting patterns depending on season.

  • What are the best locations to see foxes hunting?

  • Choosing the right time of day and year to watch a fox hunt

  • Using bird language to locate foxes on the landscape

If you’ve ever wanted to connect with these incredible wild canines, today’s article will help you get into the psychology of foxes!

How Do Foxes Hunt Their Prey? (Technique, diet & where to see them in action!)

Brian Mertins

PS: Whenever you're ready... Here are 4 other ways I can help you go deeper and really integrate these nature awareness skills in your life:

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Also... Check these out :-)

How Do Hawks Hunt?

How Does Environment Affect Animal Behavior?

Beginner's Guide To Bird Language


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