Subject: How Do Animals Help Plants?

Everyone knows that plants play an important role for the survival of wild animals by providing essential food and shelter.

What’s less obvious is that animals also help plants in crucial ways that form a sensitive and beautiful symbiotic relationship.

So today let's explore how these interconnections work!

With a bit of observation, we can learn a tremendous amount about plants from the animals.

In fact, all the most knowledgable plant & herbal enthusiasts I’ve met also had a healthy respect for wildlife tracking and a keen eye for studying animals.

These symbiotic interactions between plants & animals are all part of understanding why everything is interconnected in nature.

So let’s take a wander outside and explore how animals help plants:

How Do Animals Help Plants?

Brian Mertins

PS: Whenever you're ready... Here are 4 other ways I can help you go deeper and really integrate these nature awareness skills in your life:

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Also... Check these out :-)

6 Fascinating Questions To Ask About Local Plants

Exploring Ecosystems With Practical Observation Skills

14 Types of Plants Everyone Should Know


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