Subject: How Do Animals Find Water?

A key factor in every animal’s survival is finding enough water to keep their bodies strong & healthy.

For this reason, animals have many different strategies for finding & using water from the environment, and this is a great way to gain some unique insight into their behavior (You trackers, pay attention!)

Most modern humans would have no clue where to find enough clean water in a survival situation… so how do animals do it?

One thing to always remember is wild animals have specialized senses that can smell & feel moisture with much greater sensitivity than humans.

The amount of water animals need can also be dramatically reduced by having efficient biology & eating a well-hydrated food source.

(This is why many small mammals like voles & ground squirrels often thrive in places that have absolutely no access to fresh drinkable water).

And we also have to remember that most animals are capable of drinking water that would make humans sick.

With these points in mind, different animals all have their own unique strengths, weaknesses & behavior traits that help us more accurately predict their survival.

So let’s take a closer look at how different types of animals find water and what these strategies tell us about our local wildlife!

How Do Animals Find Water? (includes mammals, birds, reptiles & differences in the desert)

We'll also break down some common misconceptions like whether animals actually need drinkable water, and why smell is probably NOT their primary means of locating it.

Brian Mertins

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Also... Check these out :-)

How Does Weather Affect Animal Behavior?

What Do Animal Tracks Tell Us?

Nature Mapping: An Intuitive Way To Learn Your Land And Predict Animal Behavior


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