Subject: How Did Early Humans Deal With Mosquitoes?

If you’re like me and live in a place where mosquito swarms are a regular part of life outside, you’ve probably wondered while being eaten alive – how the heck did people deal with mosquitoes back in the day?

I was curious to find out which traditional insect repellant strategies are most effective and also which methods are easy to apply in modern times, so that's exactly what we're covering today... Check it out here!

In general, early humans dealt with mosquitoes by staying close to campfires and burning aromatic plants while avoiding buggy areas. If insects were biting, they would cover their skin with mud or oils to provide a physical barrier that insect bites cannot penetrate.

Overall I found 7 different ways that people dealt with mosquitos and each of these methods has their own benefits and weaknesses, so it’s useful to know them all.

Let’s go deeper and explore these 7 natural ways to deal with mosquitoes (starting with the most universally applicable).

How Did Early Humans Deal With Mosquitoes (7 natural ways to become insect-proof!)

Brian Mertins

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Also... Check these out :-)

How To Spend More Time Outside

Easy Guide To Nature Observation

Awaken Your Naturalist Intelligence (Online Course)


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