Subject: Do Squirrels Eat Bird Eggs?


I just published a new article that talks about some fascinating springtime squirrel behavior which most people don't know about.

Click here to learn about squirrels as predators!

So here's a bit of the backstory on how I discovered that squirrels were actually stealing eggs from my local songbirds...

One year during the spring nesting season, I noticed a sparrow making soft alarm calls and following a squirrel around the forest.

Of course I became instantly fascinated as to why this was happening, and it got me wondering whether squirrels ever steal and eat bird eggs.

As it turns out, squirrels do eat bird eggs when they have the opportunity. If a squirrel locates an active nest, they will climb up and steal eggs while the parent birds are away.

This is a fascinating topic to explore because most people simply never suspect their backyard squirrels to be doing this type of behavior.

It brings up so many different questions to help us learn in our own backyard like:

  • Why do squirrels steal eggs?

  • Under what conditions does this actually happen?

  • Which birds are most vulnerable to squirrel predators?

  • What types of squirrels hunt this way?

  • Do they just go after eggs, or are the nestlings vulnerable too?

We'll cover all these questions and more, so let's go check it out!

Do Squirrels Eat Bird Eggs? (Squirrels As Predators)

Brian Mertins

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Also... Check these out :-)

A Quick Guide To Squirrel Calls & Sounds

When Do Birds Lay Eggs?

Why Do Squirrels Twitch Their Tails?


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