Subject: 12 Things Everyone Should Know About Juncos

Juncos are one of the most common songbirds in North America. 

Yet often when I show a twittering flock of juncos to new bird watchers, they look at me with confused faces and say, “What the heck is a junco?”

For being one of the most common backyard songbirds, these small gray sparrow-sized birds are incredibly easy to overlook!

So I just published a new article with a whole bunch of secrets from the lives of Juncos to share why they’re some of my favorite songbirds in the world - Check it out here!

Here's some of what we'll cover in today's resource:

  • All the basics about where Juncos live, find food & breed (and how they stay so secretive despite being one of the most populous birds in North America).

  • Their crazy backwards migration patterns that earn Juncos the title of "winter birds".

  • Why Juncos sometimes look very different depending on which part of North America you're in.

  • Audio examples of Junco language they use to identify male territories and alert each other to dangerous cats, hawks & owls in the area.

  • Why learning about juncos will also help you understand sparrows.

  • Lots of cool Junco secrets to help you connect with the birds in your local forests.

So let's hop into some exploration of the mysterious Dark-Eyed Junco!

12 Essential Facts About Juncos That Everyone Should Know

Brian Mertins

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Also... Check these out :-)

How To Identify Birds: 21 tips to sharpen your bird ID skills

How To Approach Birds Without Scaring Them

Beginner's Guide To Bird Language


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