Subject: Friend, Your Zakat Is Their Lifeline

Watch this video to get a glimpse into real cases right here in Australia

Assalamu Alaykum Friend,

Have you ever thought about the people living among us who are struggling? It could be a family member, a friend, a neighbour, or the person you pray beside in the masjid.

We often don't know the extent of their struggles, but your Zakat can be their lifeline. It can help them through these difficult times.

Be part of the bigger picture; strengthen our community with your Zakat.


NZF Team

Gaza Assistance Update

Take Advantage of EOFY

With the end of the financial year just around the corner, remember to claim your donation at tax time. This doesn't diminish your rewards; your donation has gone to those in need. Claiming it back on your taxes simply means you can choose to re-donate and continue supporting those in need, or use it for your own needs.

🕌 Fulfill Zakat Obligations.

🤲 Give with Compassion through Sadaqah.

🌙 Honour Missed Ramadan Fasts with Fidyah.

💰Purify your Tainted Wealth

Zakat, is the haqq of the Muslims. During these times, with the escalating cost of living, many individuals may face hardships. Rest assured, you are not alone. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, we encourage you to reach out to us without any hesitation. We are here to provide support and help alleviate the burdens you may be facing. It's OK to ask for help 🙂

Website: Phone:1300 663 729

Bank Transfer: National Zakat Foundation Inc.

BSB: 062 196  I ACC: 1137 8252