Subject: Friend You paid your Zakat recently

.. and this is the difference it makes!

Assalamu Alaykum Friend,

I just wanted to thank you for choosing to pay your Zakat locally to NZF this Ramadan. Jazaak Allah Khair. I am very excited to say that with the increased recognition of the importance of local Zakat, this has really fuelled our progress exponentially in the last year Alhamdulillah.

As more people like yourself understand the wisdom of local Zakat to empower local communities, I have no doubt that we will achieve great things as a community, making it a much better place for our children and grand children insha Allah.

If you'd like to read through some of the programs we've launched over the past year through your support, please visit

I value any feedback or suggestions you may have for how we can improve the work we do at NZF. If you have any thoughts at all, please don't hesitate to reply to this email or simply call me. Let's do this together for a brighter future for all of us, where we and our children can live with confidence and prosperity.

Allah has described us as the best community ever raised for humanity. Thank you for joining us in making this a reality.

JazaakAllah Khair once again.

Your brother

Abu Muneer Ismail Davids

CEO - NZF Australia

Mobile: 0406 083 408