Subject: Friend Thank you for supporting us when it mattered


Asalamu Alaykum warahamatullahi wa barakatuhu Friend

An emotional ten days of Dhul Hijjah have just departed us - the greatest ten days of the Islamic year, in fact.

We want to use this opportunity to thank you for your support over these days. We were humbled by your response both to our Qurban drive and also to our special project that we ran in these days, The Prophet's Hajj.

Alhamdulillah so many benefited from the Prophet's Hajj (peace be upon him) broken down in a way that expressed its magnitude. In a year where Hajj has been so different, appreciating the journey and sacrifices of the Prophet and his companions gave us a unique chance to take a step back and ponder and reflect on the meaning of this amazing journey.

Thank you also for your support for us through Sadaqah in these blessed days. Once again you have supported our work and enabled us through your Sadaqah to continue doing what we do: helping the power of local Zakat go that much further. Thanks you, we are able to continue helping Muslims right here in Australia going through all manner of hardships, from domestic violence and homelessness to refugees without the means to survive. You are playing an important part and we just wanted to let you know that was the case.

In the coming week, we will be talking to you about the problem of homelesssness in the Muslim community, to coincide with National Homeless Week. Keep a look out for that and hope you'll assist us in highlighting to people how significant an issue this remains.


NZF Team

Relive the great Hajj journey of the Prophet

This year during Dhul Hijjah, we were humbled to bring you a unique project following the only post-migration Hajj journey of the Prophet.

Through a series of videos, a custom website and a series of maps and images, we've relived the Hajj and drawn lessons and inspiration from it. When it comes time for you to go to Hajj (or someone you know!) in the future, please share this resource.

A reminder of these resources to benefit you into the future, insha'Allah


Website: View maps, images, and videos documenting the fateful journey

Follow the journey: Follow the ~3 week round-journey the Prophet made, with key dates in detail

Be inspired: Learn the determination, sacrifice, and deeds of the Prophet and his companions