Asalamu Alaykum warahamatullahi wa barakatuhu Friend What a changed world we are experiencing now? And just as we thought things were getting back to ‘normal’ we see the ‘second wave’ coming! At NZF, we deal with such variations and uncertainty in people's circumstances daily. Apart from our on-going services we provide to the poor and needy in our community, we are also progressing with all our well-being community link programs, as part of holistically addressing issues affecting us. More recently, we have been on the front-line in Victoria with the shut-down of the housing towers where approximately 50% of the residents are Muslim. Now that all the ‘hype’ has died down, NZF is still working with the relevant organisations and individuals to ensure that any residents that do not qualify for any of the government help, that we are there to support them. You also may have noticed that we have been very active in keeping you informed as part of our promise of being transparent. This is sometimes a tough act to balance as we sometimes get feedback that we send too many emails. For me, it is better to over communicate rather then leaving people guessing and then drawing their own conclusions. We are passionate about what we do and honestly appreciate the support we get from you, hence why we spend a great deal of time preparing and sending updates. From this month, we are committing to sending you monthly updates that will provide you with an overview of everything that we are working on, to better this community that we all live in. We have structured the emails, so that you can read it all or choose the sections that are of interest to you. I do hope that you find these updates beneficial and as always, would love to hear your feedback. Your brother, Abu Muneer Ismail Davids CEO, National Zakat Foundation Australia |