In our community, we are privileged to have the support of many of our community's leaders. One relentless supporter of our work has been Sheikhah Umm Jamal ud-Deen. Sheikhah needs little introduction to most Muslims in Australia, having been a prominent da'iyah and sheikhah for some time now.
Today, Sheikhah Umm Jamal shares her experience in helping out a sister to who recently migrated to Australia. Sheikhah referred the sister to NZF Australia' services - and here is how it happened.
And yes, that is Sheikhah in the video - we thank her for her contribution and her willingness to help bring this story to life! :) Watch the video here on Facebook of Sh Umm Jamal describe her story, or on Tiktok over here.
Friend Many new migrants in Australia often arrive without any resources or support to help navigate their new home, leaving them feeling alone and stranded. But NZF can help bring them hope. Through your support of NZF's work both through Zakat and Sadaqah, you help power the services that grant new migrant and refugee members of our local Muslim community the opportunities they need to thrive and succeed.