Subject: Who else is making dua Friend?

Assalamualaikum Friend

A reality check for us at NZF every Ramadan is that while we busy ourselves in worshipping Allah during these blessed nights, we have people in need right here in Australia, also making dua that NZF can assist them subhan Allah.

The below cases came through yesterday & today

We don't have money for food. My husband was injured at work and is no longer working. I am looking for work but am still not successful. We have 4 children to look after. Please help us till I can get a job.

My husband passed away this morning and the Masjid is asking for 12k for his Janaza. Is it possible for you to help me with some temporary funds for his burial?

Salam alaykoum

I’m a single mother with an infant.

I ran away from my husband due to family violence. I have been managing my rent and other costs but my car broke down and I have currently run out of money. I just need some money to get my car fixed and if possible to get food for the next fortnight and I should be fine inshalllah.

I am on Centerlink payments and have an autistic child and I am a single mum. Subhanallah I try to manage myself but with medicines and my own health issues I am finding it extremely difficult and stressful. I think I will run out of my money this week and need some money for medicines and food until the next week and I will get my pay then. Can you help me?

Asalamalakum I am 20 years old an converted to Islam last year. I got married but am very depressed. My husband works very far and is always at work, and gets a very low salary. I am struggling to find a job but can't. I have no money of my own and cannot even go out to get something to eat. My family are very poor. We were homeless 2 years ago. I feel like my Emaan is slipping away.

Support these cases tonight!

JazaakAllah Khair Friend for your continued support that allows us to keep assisting those in need here in Australia. Please also do keep the NZF team in your dua, who are working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure your donations are being utilised as they should.

Behind the scenes tonight!

On that note, tonight at 9 PM Sydney time, we will have a open conversation with our Zakat officers, to understand how clients are assessed for Zakat eligibity and assisted with your Zakat.

Please join us on live on our FB page (click here) and listen to our case work team as they share heartbreaking to the inspiring stories of how we are making a difference in our community. You can also ask us any questions or clarificatiosn you might have.


Munir Abdella

National Manager, NZF Australia