Subject: We'd like to invite you Friend to our first NZF Quarterly Update


Asalamu Alaykum Friend

As a valued donor, we are excited to invite you to our FIRST Quarterly Update on Wed, 28 Oct 2020 insha Allah!

We owe you the opportunity to connect with us, get to know the team and understand first hand, how your Zakat & Sadaqah has been transforming the lives of thousands of Muslims in Australia who are in need.

This has been long overdue, and as Br Ismail had committed earlier this year, we will be kicking off Quarterly update sessions for donors such as yourself, so you have this opportunity to connect with the team.

In addition to providing key updates, we will also be discussing common questions that you might have on your mind such as

  • what do we spend Zakat on in Australia

  • how do we identify those who are eligible for Zakat vs those who might be trying game the system

  • how does the team cope during stressful times such as COVID

  • and more!

We will also be discussing our future plans, and would love to get your feedback & thoughts. And of course – you can ask any of the team members any further questions you might have on your mind during the session!

This is an invite only event for our donors.

Zoom details below

NZF Quarterly Update Event

Wednesday, 28th October 2020

9pm AEST via Zoom

Click here for Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 960 6740 1798 | Passcode: 120453

If you would like to send any questions prior to the event, please click here. All submissions are anonymous.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the event inshaa’Allah.

BarakAllah feekum.


NZF team

P.S. In case you are wondering, this is definitely not a fund raiser of any sort, we promise 😊. This is a dedicated session for our team to connect with key people like yourself in our community who empower us to do the work we do.