Subject: We need to talk Friend

Assalamu alaykum Friend

I was in a meeting with a brother in Sydney today to discuss support for people who have a drug addiction. While I had an idea of the work he was doing, I found out that he has been busy chipping away on his own accord, driving multiple grassroots initiatives that simply blew me away subhan Allah.

This is not a one-off occurrence.

Over the past 6 months, as part of expanding our NZF programs I have been amazed at the number of people who are actively working on making a difference in our community. What is disheartening though is the lack of awareness and recognition amongst the wider community of the need for this type of work and the lack of acknowledgement of these issues.

This brings me to the purpose my email - Ramadan Real Talk (click here for the awesome teaser video)

The first thing we need to do is speak up & acknowledge that these issues are real. Drug addiction, domestic violence, struggling families of people in jail, broken marriages due to porn addiction, care for the disabled, support that our elderly parents need - the list is long.

As part of Real Talk - open, candid and hard conversations that must be had, will be had.

You may not know many of the people who will come on Real Talk, but I promise you the stories you hear will be amazing. These are gems in our community, the quiet achievers, for many of whom the NZF programs are a dream come true - a unifying platform that is insha Allah, the beginning of a movement that will allow us to work together and really level up our game in transforming our community, collectively.

This Ramadan Friend, I invite you to tune in LIVE to our Ramadan Real Talk episodes, and to participate in the discussions, listen in and be one of those who are willing to acknowledge and recognise the need for these conversations to be had. This is something we need from you and everyone in our community.

I will be live tonight at 9 PM Sydney time to kick this off, and we will share details of subsequent episodes via email and our social media pages.

All Real Talk episodes will be streamed live on facebook & youtube below.



I look forward to your participation and feedback.

Jazaak Allah Khair.


Abu Muneer

Ramadan Real Talk