Subject: The most important thing you need to know before paying your Zakat


Are you planning to pay your Zakat soon?

Assalamu Alaykum Friend,

In case you are planning to pay your Zakat in the next few days, I just wanted to share some of the most important things to keep in mind

  • Calculate: Ensure you have calculated it correctly, including any missed Zakat. If you have any questions, please ask rather make assumptions. Remember missed Zakat is considered a debt, even after death.

  • Who to pay to:

    • Zakat must only be paid to one of eight eligible categories as per the Qur'an (Surah Taubah 9:60)

    • Zakat is not like Sadaqah, that can be given to anyone you believe is in need.

    • Distribution of Zakat is actually a much more difficulty responsibility to fulfill, than calculating your Zakat

What is your responsibility?

Your responsibility when paying your Zakat is to either be confident and pay directly to a person who falls under one of the eight categories. Most people find this difficult to do as it is not possible to ascertain poverty, without asking for personal information like bank statements etc. (Remember you have to be absolutely sure).

What is a safer option is to identify an organisation, who you explicitly trust to follow the correct guidelines as per the Qur'an & Sunnah to identify who is Zakat eligible and who isn't.

Please note - this does not apply to Sadaqah and you can be far more liberal (and you should) with your Sadaqah and give it to any cause you believe might be in need.

But with Zakat, you must take care. It is your responsibility to ensure your Zakat is handled correctly.

At NZF, we handle this responsibility for you, and ensure you that we are assessing cases within a strict framework to ensure that each case we assist is Zakat eligible. Every single case is reviewed to ensure it meets the Zakat eligibility criteria. We take this responsibility with utmost seriousness as we know that our accountability is ultimately with Allah subhanahu wata'ala.

It is why thousands of Muslims in Australia have trusted us since 2013, as it gives them the peace of mind that their Zakat is being fulfilled in a manner that pleases Allah.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this email or call me on 0403 278 861 to discuss.

To calculate or pay your Zakat, you can visit our website by clicking here.

Wishing you all the best of the last few days of Ramadan and I pray that Allah accepts all of your dua. Please keep the NZF team in your dua, that Allah allow us to continue this work for His sake alone and keep us sincere. Ameen.


Your brother

Abu Muneer Ismail Davids

CEO, National Zakat Foundation Australia

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