Subject: Friend It's time to have the conversation around drugs


Assalamu alaykum Friend


A topic that is considered taboo in our Muslim community. Something most people know exists, but don't want to talk about. Or pretend it doesn't exist.

Tomorrow, Thursday 25 June is the UN International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Traficking.

Join us and two of our esteemed community leaders who are working hard in this space, to address the issue of Drugs and the Impact to our Muslim Community here in Australia.

  • Nasreen Hanifi - Clinical Director, Hayat House

  • Mariam Ardati - Chaplain

  • Ismail Davids - CEO, NZF Australia

Under the Surface: Drugs in the Muslim Community

When: Thursday, 25 June, 8 PM Sydney Time


▶️ YouTube :


Friend These sessions are only effective with your participation and engagement. Please take the time to join us tomorrow night, with an open mind to understand some of the real issues that have been caused by Drug Abuse right here in our local Muslim community.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.


Farooq Syed

National Zakat Foundation Australia


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