Subject: Friend Did you know we have Muslim orphans in Australia?

Assalamu Alaykum Friend 

Alhamdulillah we've reached our first Jumu'ah of this Ramadan. We want to give you the opportunity to think about a group of people in our community who are not thought too much about unfortunately, Muslim Orphans, and perhaps transform this Jumu'ah as a means for you to multiply your rewards in this blessed month.

There are more Muslim orphans in Australia than you can imagine. And at this young age, they are more vulnerable than any other member of society.

Our Prophet (SAW) said “Myself and the caretaker of an orphan will be in Paradise like this,” and he held his two fingers together. (Al-Bukhārī 5659)

As members of the same community, isn't it our duty to ensure that they have access to the same opportunities and are able to enjoy life like all other children?

This was our motivation to start the Brighter Futures Program for Muslim orphans in Australia where we support them financially as well as through a heap of other resources. Children attend regular Quran classes and also have choice to attend other extra-curricular activities.

Currently, we have 20 orphans in our program, and it costs us over $3,000 a year to support one orphan. This year we plan to expand this program to 200 orphans insha Allah.

This Ramadan, we have partnered with Crescent Wealth, who are also a program partner for the Brighter Futures Program to raise funds. As part of the Ramadan campaign, Crescent Wealth have promised that they will contribute $10,000 towards the program, if we are able to raise $50,000 through your generosity.

Friend This Jumu'ah, help us maximise the funds we raise this Ramadan, and increase the impact of this program!

Remember these Muslim orphans are the future of this Ummah. Click below to find out how you can be part of transforming their lives this Ramadan.

Online: Phone:1300 663 729

Bank Transfer: National Zakat Foundation Incorporated

BSB: 062 196  I ACC: 1137 8252